Motherlode Chameleon
Chameleon Enthusiast
Article About People Arriving to Madagascar Much Earlier than Perviously Estimated
This is an extremely interesting article about new research that shows that people probably arrived and colonized Madagascar 2,500 years earlier than previously estimated. This research could prove past extinction rates were not as fast as previously thought (still a huge issue), especially in regards to Madagascars Mega Fuana such as the Elephant Bird genera Mullerornis and Aepyornis. Have a read.
This is an extremely interesting article about new research that shows that people probably arrived and colonized Madagascar 2,500 years earlier than previously estimated. This research could prove past extinction rates were not as fast as previously thought (still a huge issue), especially in regards to Madagascars Mega Fuana such as the Elephant Bird genera Mullerornis and Aepyornis. Have a read.
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