Need help with clutches


New Member
hey guess. been 6 months since lily's first clutch and 4.5 since her third. I have candled them and some show red veins and others look clear, yet all 90 eggs look white, healthy, have no mold. I know it can take a year for them to hatch but what are some signs that they are going to or at least if something is growing inside? im trying to get ready for all the little ambilobes. Any help would be much appreciated
they usually start to sweat before they hatch; since they didn't mold after the first month, you should just assume they are fertile---

how did you incubate them? If you did a constant room temperature it will take more like 8-9 months to hatch.
i incubated them at 78 for 3 months now they are at 75 for the last 3 is that to hot? cold? i was told to do it this way?
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