Need help identify sex


New Member
Hey guys, 1st time Chameleon Keeper. (They were upset at me because I was doing some cage cleaning.) Purchased this lil one from Beachside Chameleons at Repticon. They sold it as a “male” and assured me if that wasn’t the case I can contact them, but they were sure it was “male”. But unsure really, it’s 3 months old. Can someone help identify if this is a male or female? The colors they show lead me to believe it’s a male, very colorful when upset. But want reassurance 😭


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Boy has my vote. But I’m only correct sometimes… Welcome to the group!! I’m sure others will chime in. You have a real cutie there, what’s his name?
Boy has my vote. But I’m only correct sometimes… Welcome to the group!! I’m sure others will chime in. You have a real cutie there, what’s his name?
Thank you very much for your answer! I will be keeping an eye out as he progresses and have been learning about the laying bin process just in case. His dad's name is Zeus, so after a couple days I named him Herc because he thinks he's such a tough guy lol. And he says thank you for the compliment!
I’m usually not very good at this. In the first pic I see the most subtle of hemipenal bulge, but the other two pics say girl to me.
Thank you for your answer! And 😅 I will continue to watch and hopefully in time the signs will be more telling. Appreciate it!
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