Need Help Determining Age Of Young Veileds


Chameleon Enthusiast
Below are links to two pictures of my two young Veileds I recently bought from Petsmart. These are my first chameleons, so I'm a beginner.

The first picture is of a young female bought mid November. When she arrived, she weighed 28 grams. Yesterday she was 40 grams. The picture of her was taken yesterday. She was slightly puffed up for the camera, but she really is that fat and round now.

The second picture is of a male bought December 1st. The picture was taken that day. When he arrived, he weighed 65 grams. Now he weighs 75 grams. He's a little excited by the camera.

I'm hoping to get approximate ages on them, especially the female since knowing her age/sexual maturity are really important for her health.

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I can only see the male, I'd say around 5-6 months for him.


Here's some pictures of my female.

I'm very worried she is gravid, of course. She's came to me November 13 weighing about 28 grams. Last time I weighed her on the weekend, she weighed 43grams. She has had access to all the food she wanted, which might explain the weight gain. Of course, there is always the concern that she is gravid, even though she is quite young.

I have never seen mature colors on her, but I'm new to chameleons so might not recognize them. On the day following several hours outside in the sun, she stayed a really funny, dark purple color for a long time.
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