Dragon Born
New Member
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - I have a male 3-4 month old cham.
Handling - Half a time maybe, he just grabbed my finger once.
Feeding - Feeding 3 weeks crickets, seems to prefer bigger crickets? Seems to eat 5-6 a day of the larger ones freerange I do not hand feed. Not really been gutloading my feeders...got small dubia roaches but dont know how to feed them to him.
Supplements - Herpative and calcium one once a week.
Watering - Use spray bottle 3-4 times a day. Seems to prefer to drink at night, not so interested in the morning or afternoon usually.
Fecal Description - Comes out like a sausage link and dries to a black and white color. Almost everyday he goes or everyday not really sure.
History - Got him from LLL reptile. WHen I got him he has a right eye that he didnt want to open or use and mainly uses his left eye. I see him use his right eye almost everyday while hunting crickets or looking for water. Seems to eat and after hes full naps again and then goes back to sleep. Only a few days have I seen him really active.
Cage Info:
Cage Type - mesh, chameleon set from lll. 5.0 uvb and 60 watt day bulb and 50 watt night bulb. benjamina ficus and grape wood or whatever its called
Lighting - zoo med blue day bulb, purple exo terra night bulb 50 watt/flukers 60 watt night bulb
Temperature - basking temps 90-95. mid level temp around80. lower lvl around 75.
Humidity - Stray 3x times a day no measurement
Plants - benjamia ficus
Location - San Francisco
Current Problem - Sleeps most of the day unless hunting or drinking. As well, prefers his left eye and only uses his right eye during hunting, drinking, or exploring. I got him from lll reptile like his and they told me it was probably a small cut that happened during shipping, however its been a almost a month and he still prefers his left eye and mainly uses it to look around..He as well rubs his eye seemingly trying to scratch it on branches or leaves.
Your Chameleon - I have a male 3-4 month old cham.
Handling - Half a time maybe, he just grabbed my finger once.
Feeding - Feeding 3 weeks crickets, seems to prefer bigger crickets? Seems to eat 5-6 a day of the larger ones freerange I do not hand feed. Not really been gutloading my feeders...got small dubia roaches but dont know how to feed them to him.
Supplements - Herpative and calcium one once a week.
Watering - Use spray bottle 3-4 times a day. Seems to prefer to drink at night, not so interested in the morning or afternoon usually.
Fecal Description - Comes out like a sausage link and dries to a black and white color. Almost everyday he goes or everyday not really sure.
History - Got him from LLL reptile. WHen I got him he has a right eye that he didnt want to open or use and mainly uses his left eye. I see him use his right eye almost everyday while hunting crickets or looking for water. Seems to eat and after hes full naps again and then goes back to sleep. Only a few days have I seen him really active.
Cage Info:
Cage Type - mesh, chameleon set from lll. 5.0 uvb and 60 watt day bulb and 50 watt night bulb. benjamina ficus and grape wood or whatever its called
Lighting - zoo med blue day bulb, purple exo terra night bulb 50 watt/flukers 60 watt night bulb
Temperature - basking temps 90-95. mid level temp around80. lower lvl around 75.
Humidity - Stray 3x times a day no measurement
Plants - benjamia ficus
Location - San Francisco
Current Problem - Sleeps most of the day unless hunting or drinking. As well, prefers his left eye and only uses his right eye during hunting, drinking, or exploring. I got him from lll reptile like his and they told me it was probably a small cut that happened during shipping, however its been a almost a month and he still prefers his left eye and mainly uses it to look around..He as well rubs his eye seemingly trying to scratch it on branches or leaves.