My new veiled translucent-One concern!

Jason H

New Member
I got my new 9 month old male veiled translucent last weekend at repticon from flchams. He wants to stay on the bottom of the enclosure all the time behind my pothos. I have gotten him and put him back up top when I get home from work for the past three days. He is usualy still up there in the morning, and then back on the bottom when I get home. It is 82 up top and 67 at the bottom. Should I just let him do his own thing and quit worring so much, or should I be concerened? You can see my enclosure on the "enclosures and supplies" forum. The name of the thread is "New enclosure-1yr in the making".


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Is he walking around down there or just sitting? Are you sure your thermometer is right? He may be too hot and hanging where it is cooler.
Is he walking around down there or just sitting? Are you sure your thermometer is right? He may be too hot and hanging where it is cooler.

Also adding to this, what type of thermometer are you using?
FLchams breeds some GREAT looking chams, but both veileds i got from them did the same thing as yours when i first got them. they hid at the bottom as soon as we got home, for a few weeks. the first one never warmed up to us or wanted to be seen by us ever. the second one is even worse than that, and VERY aggressive. but man o man is she pretty colored!
He just tucks in behind the pothos and chills. I am using my snap-on infared gun from work. Pumkinface, are both of your chams still healthy and did they finaly get off the bottom of the enclosure?
My cham Iggy is not agresive at all, he never hisses or anything. I just feel like he is in shock or something.
FLchams breeds some GREAT looking chams, but both veileds i got from them did the same thing as yours when i first got them. they hid at the bottom as soon as we got home, for a few weeks. the first one never warmed up to us or wanted to be seen by us ever. the second one is even worse than that, and VERY aggressive. but man o man is she pretty colored!

Strange that they were hiding, but it does take a few weeks for them to adjust. Some chams never do warm up to people and act aggressive or fearful-nature of the beast! My first ever cham-a male Veiled from FLChams-is the most docile and people friendly Veiled I own.
Should I just let him stay on the bottom and do his own thing. Someone please tell me to quit worrying so much so I can sleep tonight!!
I just want the best for Iggy and for him to be happy and healthy.
what's your setup like? does he have enough plants and vines to crawl on? lets get some info on your husbandry.

edit: just saw your other thread about the enclosure. The cage looks good.. just give him a few days.
Is he walking around down there or just sitting? Are you sure your thermometer is right? He may be too hot and hanging where it is cooler.
i second that , how are you measuring your temps ? if his basking area is not too hot or bright, then there may be an underlying health issue? if you are measuring with some sort of non contact device, (like an ir or lazer therm) then you may not be accurately measuring ambient air temp. non contact devices are great for solid objects but have limited use for measuring air temp. also, does he have several ways to get back up once hes on the bottom? he could be going down there to hunt and just be confused about how to get back up, another thought do you use an auto mister and if so do you heat your mist water, if you dont heat your water he could be freaked out by the cold temp of it. just my 2c worth
I got my veiled from mike too and he took about a week to fully adjust to his new home. After all my little guy flew across the country to san diego where I bought him at the super show in 09.
He is back in the top this morning.
He does have plenty of ways to get back up.
I am running a pm60 and I have a heater in the resivior that keeps the water close to 90.
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