My new Jacksonii Willengenesis and Triceros Johnstoni ..Any tips to raising these?

Wow! If they really were his 3rd generation of johnstoni, that's pretty impressive. For me anyway, that's unheard of. :) If he had a working "formula" for raising them, then it's a shame that the method he used wasn't shared on a forum such as this (not to my knowledge anyway) before the species became very hard and/or expensive to acquire. :( Like with many species, if we could have just figured things out on how to raise multiple generations (while johnstoni were still widely available), many more of us would have had the opportunity to work with this amazing species.


I spoke to him again and he did say it was extremely hard to incubate the eggs and he always had like a 25% hatching rate.
I spoke to him again and he did say it was extremely hard to incubate the eggs and he always had like a 25% hatching rate.

That's interesting because most of the clutches I incubated (at about 70 F) had a hatch rate at !00% or close to it. In my experience, getting them to hatch was the easy part. The difficult thing for me was raising the neonates. Again, that was before we knew as much about the extreme sensitivity of many montane species to oversupplementation and how often to give (or not to give) certain vitamins, etc..

TJJacksoni and TJJohnstoni

I have 1.2 TJJacksoni and am about to get 1.1 TJJohnstoni and would like to talk to anyone with these species!!!! Pm me if you would like to talk about them and I will give you my cell #
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