My new baby ambilobe panther Ziggy!


New Member
Hey everyone,

Got my 1st ever chameleon, Ziggy, yesterday! He is a 3 month old blue bar ambilobe panther. Already showing some nice colours; reds, blues, greens, orangey tints.

Since putting him in his cage he has been eating well, he had about 4 or 5 hoppers yesterday and probably about the same amount today.

We haven't handled him since putting him in his enclosure (Zoomed Reptibreeze 18" x 18" x 36") as want him to get used to his surroundings first. Have put our hand in a couple of times to put food in etc.

He has been out walking around a little bit but mainly stays in the far corner hiding in the spanish moss. Will he venture out to more of his cage as time goes on?

I haven't seen him go under his basking light yet, it is on the opposite side to the moss. Do you think I should move it to the moss side?

He was the largest of the ones available and seemed the most adventurous in the enclosure at the breeders and was showing the most colours.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated! :)

Will put pics up when he's ready to show himself off!


John and Sam
They are great aren't they?! Such characters :) I have a 6 month old Nosey Be. Hard to find live plants for vivs in England though. How have you mangaged to get on? Where did you get your lil fella? Some pics would be great :)
Here's some pics of Ziggy showing some of the colours he's already showing at just under 3 months:






hey bud, hes looking great already! keep us posted mate, ill get some more of floyd up in a couple of weeks see how his colours are coming along!
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