My new 7 mo Sambava :)


New Member
Chameleon Info:

* Your Chameleon - 7 mo. Male Sambava Panther. Have had him for 3 days now.

* Handling - I have yet to even try. Want to but I think my guys stressed

* Feeding - crickets gutloaded with lots of various fruits and veggies (no cabbage family or spinach) Fed 15 crickets on day one, 5 crickets dusted with RepCal Herpative and a superworm on day 2. No food today for day 3. Dubia colony arrives within the week, everything is in order to get those suckers breeding for me as my main food source in the future.

* Supplements - RepCal Herpative & Cal w/ D3. Sticky Tongue farms Minerall indoor (still hasn't arrived yet from the northwest) I will go Fridays alternating between the RepCal products with the sticky tongue the other days.

* Watering - I have a Mist King installed, that mists 3x a day for a total of 7 mins. I have seen him drink on day 1 and 2.

* Fecal Description - The poos are good but the urates have been getting more and more orange, day 3 is 2nd poo and its all orange :( He was tested less than a week ago.

* History - He just arrived from Northwest Chameleons the other day.
Cage Info:

* Cage Type - 2x2x4 LLL Reptile aluminum screen

* Lighting - 18" ReptiGlo 5.0, 18" 5000k color "natural Sunshine" bulb, and 75 W reg. bulb in 8.5" ceramic heat lamp. Lights on @ 7:00 am and out at 7:30pm. Will be adjusting lengths with the seasons too.

* Temperature - Basking spot was at 86.4 last reading. Cage floor reads 77.8 right now. Lowest overnight temp so far was 68 bottom and 73 top. I use 2 Fluker's digital thermo/hygrometer.

* Humidity - Right now after 2nd mist its at 80%. Usually drops down to 60% by night time. Maintained with mist king on schedule listed above.

* Plants - Yes, 3' Ficus, and 2 umbrella plants. 12" of fake vine and 3 sticks of various depth within the cage.

* Placement - In my room it is very low traffic. I have a ceiling fan I keep on low. The top of the cage is over 6' from the floor. The cage is close to a picture window with the shades usually closed.

* Location - Central Wisconsin.

I filled this out so I could have record and also because I am somewhat worried about him because he has been kinda dark yesterday and today so far. Even his white stripe is kinda gray and his greens are dark too.
He is walking around his cage but doing so on the screening mostly.

I am just new to this and want to make sure I am doing it right. I have done a lot of reading so far and feel my husbandry is good but atm his color tells me it isn't, I could be wrong though. I'll snap some pics quick on my phone and upload them too. What do you guys think?

My major concern is his orange urates (might install a drip cup too for more water supply) and his overall color. How does me set up seem to you?

Once I brought out my camera he brightened up and hasnt really changed. Maybe its just my inexperience and concern but I want everyone to see him. Hes so pretty :)


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It must have been me, look at him now :) I tried to snap a quick pic


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the husbandry looks really nice, if i could nit pick and make one minor suggestion... i would recommend a little more foliage and vines in the higher areas, this will help him to thermoregulate better. he will get great colors with age and he looks really cool. good luck:)
the husbandry looks really nice, if i could nit pick and make one minor suggestion... i would recommend a little more foliage and vines in the higher areas, this will help him to thermoregulate better. he will get great colors with age and he looks really cool. good luck:)

Yes everyone nit pick! I was actually thinking the same thing. I was just out in the back yard picking at sticks to fix it. These past days I noticed he is hanging out pretty high up so I wanted to add more cover back up there. Maybe I'll go see if I can find a pothos for cheap.
Nice Chameleon. He is showing his colors well. I am considering purchasing a Sambava from Chameleons Northwest. How was your experience with them?
Nice Chameleon. He is showing his colors well. I am considering purchasing a Sambava from Chameleons Northwest. How was your experience with them?

Sandy sent me pics of the Sambavas left and the next day I called her up and ended up talking to her for close to an hour about their labs and operation and she patiently answered my questions and provided awesome details. She is such a sweety, I would never hesitate to buy another cham from them again. Plus Elliot helped answer some questions I had about their Reptaid product and finalized shipping with me. All in all I don't think it was possible for my exp. with them to be any better.
Yeah he sure looks pissed in the pic, and I guess that glove isn't on for fashion.

My guy so far seems pretty chill. I can put my hand pretty close to him a few times and he just stares at it for a bit but he eventually turns around and walks away. I really want to handle him for a few mins soon and see how he tolerates it but I don't think hes 100% comfy in his new environment quite yet...I think I'll try on Tuesday which is my next day off, that seems like a good time. I'm not saying I want him to hang out on my head or shoulders all day but it will be easier to clean out his cage and move him around if the need ever arises.
Yeah he sure looks pissed in the pic, and I guess that glove isn't on for fashion.

My guy so far seems pretty chill. I can put my hand pretty close to him a few times and he just stares at it for a bit but he eventually turns around and walks away. I really want to handle him for a few mins soon and see how he tolerates it but I don't think hes 100% comfy in his new environment quite yet...I think I'll try on Tuesday which is my next day off, that seems like a good time. I'm not saying I want him to hang out on my head or shoulders all day but it will be easier to clean out his cage and move him around if the need ever arises.

Sweeet. You have my panther, hyperion's, brother! Hyperion is really calm and walks right onto your hand when he feels like it. He refuses to be caged now though. :D he'll even eat any kind of worm anywhere on anything or anyone from anyone. He's a midget though...

Anywho, here's what you might be expecting color wise!
Sweeet. You have my panther, hyperion's, brother! Hyperion is really calm and walks right onto your hand when he feels like it. He refuses to be caged now though. :D he'll even eat any kind of worm anywhere on anything or anyone from anyone. He's a midget though...

Anywho, here's what you might be expecting color wise!

Awesome!! I pray he turns out as vibrant as yours. Yeah he is so chill. I hand fed him today for the first time. He took bout 2 mins of eying me up then the cricket, then me then the cricket. He took it and then immediately took 4 more after. That was one of the coolest experiences yet!
He also let me touch him. I put my finger up close to him after hand feeding him and he just chilled and let me pet his casque :) I going to try to handle him tomorrow.

So you free range him then? I was going over some basic free range floor plans in my room I think I can do it in the future but it isnt something I would do for a few months.

So Samson and Hyperion are bros? Sweet
Yeah, he won't let me put him in a cage without a fight and then if I get him in he roams the screen like crazy and stares intently at me until I open it again. He even climbs onto some of my frequent-visiting friends' hands. He also won't ever use his nails on you unless you flip him over or he is trying to climb vertically. He also never fires up, except for with my piggies, and he won't puff up unless you startle him but he settles back down fast. He doesn't tolerate any 'petting' or basically any type of handling I would do with a furry animal. Just him hanging out on me on his own decision.

He's really kick butt. Most days I would prefer he didn't try to climb on me though.
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