New Member
hi everyone... i dont know how many of you viewing this viewed my health clinic thread about a swollen cham's foot, but I have very depressing news. My little guy didnt make through yesterday, I was horrified when I woke up to see him laying there like that-I bawled my eyes out. My husband originally bought him impulsively online from reptilecity's website because he wanted a chameleon and found one "on sale" and ordered one at like 3 am. Omg I was so upset when he asked me " what does w.c. mean?" When I told him what it was, he was so sad to think that this cham was torn off of a tree in Africa, shipped to the US to a local reptile facility waiting to be ordered to a new home. We got little Espio a week later, he was shipped to us in a TINY box im surprised he could breathe
We took him the vet a few days later and he got his first shot, he ran immediately onto my husband's shirt. she said his husbandry was fine, supplements were on track, and his humidity and temp are fine. A month later his nail turned kinda black and took him to a the vet for a checkup. It turns out he got a bacterial infection. My thread on the health clinic explains everything. My vet did the very best that she could and I thank her a million times for helping him get this far. My little buddy is gone husband wishes that we could have taken him to his home to Africa and set him free in the wild, where he belonged. My husband is in pain right now and keeps saying he wishes he researched what w.c. meant and never bought him because he could still be alive right now.
He was the darned sweetest cham I had ever seen. He was our first chameleon, and possibly our last because I just couldnt save him. I wasnt good enough and I feel like another cham would be replacing him. I have had many reptiles in my care before but never a chameleon. Little guy loved to get out of his home to climb on our bamboo tree or my husbands hair. I miss him when he was healthy, he ate off of my hand it was soooo awesome!!!! :') He never hissed at us, bit us, or acted mean at all. He was so innocent and pure. He did not deserve all of this pain at all. My husband says he wants to take full responsibility because he is the one who caused all of this and how he wasnt taking care of him as much as I was he should have been better. Truth is he took very good care of him, in fact, Espio loved him!!! Espio loved him so darned much. He would curl up his tail when Cole held him like he was relaxed, ate all his food when Cole was around, always wanted to climb him. When it was time that he had to go back in his home, Espio would still keep climbing up his arm. He would stare at us and twist his head up at us, it was so f-ing cute especially when his eyes would go in different directions when he did that. Espio loved to do funny things like sleep in hilariously uncomfortable looking positions, pooped on us, and dangled upside down under his UV light. Even when he was sick and took him to the vet, he was still so curious and wanted to explore. My vet laughed and said " for being sick, you sure are active! LOL"
When we took him into the vet today to ask for a cremation I started crying when I handed the lady my buddy, all dead in his pet carrier. He shouldnt be seen like that, it made me cry in the jeep. Tomorrow when I pick up his ashes I am gonna cry and put them in a gorgeous urn next to a picture of him I framed up all pretty. Not the picture I posted, lol its a real pictured frame sitting on my table! ;')
Im so sorry everyone, I really did the very best I could. It wasnt good enough but at least he lived longer than I thought in his medical condition. The sad thing is I want to be a vet and wanting to go to college soon. I dont know if I should take all of this as a learning experience or as a sad memory. He was a great friend and close to a child to me. I loved the little cham so much, he was so so good and I want him to know that im so sorry. He honestly deserved to be free and happy and should have gotten anything he wanted because he was so sweet and deserved everything good. I wish more than anything that he could understand his "pet parents" loved him very much and he could NEVER be replaced. Espio, I am so so sorry and please rest in peace you beautiful little baby.
Espio R.I.P. April 3rd 2012 sweetest, nicest chameleon ever.
He was the darned sweetest cham I had ever seen. He was our first chameleon, and possibly our last because I just couldnt save him. I wasnt good enough and I feel like another cham would be replacing him. I have had many reptiles in my care before but never a chameleon. Little guy loved to get out of his home to climb on our bamboo tree or my husbands hair. I miss him when he was healthy, he ate off of my hand it was soooo awesome!!!! :') He never hissed at us, bit us, or acted mean at all. He was so innocent and pure. He did not deserve all of this pain at all. My husband says he wants to take full responsibility because he is the one who caused all of this and how he wasnt taking care of him as much as I was he should have been better. Truth is he took very good care of him, in fact, Espio loved him!!! Espio loved him so darned much. He would curl up his tail when Cole held him like he was relaxed, ate all his food when Cole was around, always wanted to climb him. When it was time that he had to go back in his home, Espio would still keep climbing up his arm. He would stare at us and twist his head up at us, it was so f-ing cute especially when his eyes would go in different directions when he did that. Espio loved to do funny things like sleep in hilariously uncomfortable looking positions, pooped on us, and dangled upside down under his UV light. Even when he was sick and took him to the vet, he was still so curious and wanted to explore. My vet laughed and said " for being sick, you sure are active! LOL"
When we took him into the vet today to ask for a cremation I started crying when I handed the lady my buddy, all dead in his pet carrier. He shouldnt be seen like that, it made me cry in the jeep. Tomorrow when I pick up his ashes I am gonna cry and put them in a gorgeous urn next to a picture of him I framed up all pretty. Not the picture I posted, lol its a real pictured frame sitting on my table! ;')
Im so sorry everyone, I really did the very best I could. It wasnt good enough but at least he lived longer than I thought in his medical condition. The sad thing is I want to be a vet and wanting to go to college soon. I dont know if I should take all of this as a learning experience or as a sad memory. He was a great friend and close to a child to me. I loved the little cham so much, he was so so good and I want him to know that im so sorry. He honestly deserved to be free and happy and should have gotten anything he wanted because he was so sweet and deserved everything good. I wish more than anything that he could understand his "pet parents" loved him very much and he could NEVER be replaced. Espio, I am so so sorry and please rest in peace you beautiful little baby.

Espio R.I.P. April 3rd 2012 sweetest, nicest chameleon ever.