My chameleon trying to shoot his tongue and hungry

Sorry for all these.. Looks like I have to pay to take him to the vet.. I was waiting to see if he would regain his strength. MBD I heard is painful so if that's a possibility, unfortunately he needs to go


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They're really hard to take care of and nobody informed me of all this stuff. I really don't know what to do... But in Hawaii, people dont even have uvb lights they use for chams... It is expensive to live here so the cost of going to the vet is triple the price but it doesn't seem to be getting me answers because it could be anything. He is wild caught and his claws broke when I first got him...
I’m really not trying to be rude but when you decide to take on the responsibility of getting a new pet it’s your own responsibility to do the research and find out all about their needs. It was nobody else’s responsibility to inform you. Also, I wouldn’t have him close to the female as this is probably stressing both of the chameleons out. My vet told me that stress can easily kill a chameleon due to a weakened immune system.

What do you mean when you say he has to go if he has MBD? I have read about some chameleons being treated for MBD and showing improvement. I think he deserves a chance given that it’s not really his fault he’s in that situation. I hope the vet goes well. Please keep us posted!
I’m really not trying to be rude but when you decide to take on the responsibility of getting a new pet it’s your own responsibility to do the research and find out all about their needs. It was nobody else’s responsibility to inform you. Also, I wouldn’t have him close to the female as this is probably stressing both of the chameleons out. My vet told me that stress can easily kill a chameleon due to a weakened immune system.

What do you mean when you say he has to go if he has MBD? I have read about some chameleons being treated for MBD and showing improvement. I think he deserves a chance given that it’s not really his fault he’s in that situation. I hope the vet goes well. Please keep us posted!
I think she ment he has to go to the vet, not has to go like tossing him out. Could be wrong...
They're really hard to take care of and nobody informed me of all this stuff. I really don't know what to do... But in Hawaii, people dont even have uvb lights they use for chams... It is expensive to live here so the cost of going to the vet is triple the price but it doesn't seem to be getting me answers because it could be anything. He is wild caught and his claws broke when I first got him...

Yes, chameleons require complex care, they are not for your average pet owner.

If you are not 100% committed to mastering the husbandry they require or investing serious cash in all the equipment needed to keep them healthy then you should probably just go put him back where you found him.

Are you willing to invest the time and money it take to get him back up on his feet?
Sorry I meant I'm taking him to the vet because his tongue still isn't shooting. I been feeding him out of a cup but even that's hard for him.
That makes sense. I was rushing when I read it and I thought she meant as in put him down because it’s painful. My heart sunk there for a second :(
Thank you! It really changed my mind about neglecting his health. I'll be taking him to the vet. I will separate them both.
I’m really not trying to be rude but when you decide to take on the responsibility of getting a new pet it’s your own responsibility to do the research and find out all about their needs. It was nobody else’s responsibility to inform you. Also, I wouldn’t have him close to the female as this is probably stressing both of the chameleons out. My vet told me that stress can easily kill a chameleon due to a weakened immune system.

What do you mean when you say he has to go if he has MBD? I have read about some chameleons being treated for MBD and showing improvement. I think he deserves a chance given that it’s not really his fault he’s in that situation. I hope the vet goes well. Please keep us posted!
Thank you! It really changed my mind about neglecting his health. I'll be taking him to the vet. I will separate them both. Intially, the pet store sold her to me and told me to keep them in the same cage and my friend pointed out the girl was too stressed so I bought her a separate enclosure. Its just been hard and they're a lot of work. I actually take good care of any pets I own but chameleons are tricky.
The vet can give him some subcutaneous fluids and injectable calcium if it is MBD. They might send home liquid calcium given by mouth. MBD becomes painful when they start falling and breaking their bones. You aren't at that stage and MBD isn't the only possible cause of a tongue problem. He could have injured it striking at a bug and getting caught on something, basically a sprain. They can get better but need supportive care until it gets better. Other deficiencies in their diet can cause problems as well.
Getting them outside in sunlight for 15 minutes a day is a good way to get extra UVB. Early morning or late afternoon sunlight is fine. If you do set up an outdoor cage it should be heavily shaded and densely planted with just spots of sunlight they can seek out as they need it. When it is too hot they will hide deep in the plants to cool down.
I heard someone did that and their chameleon died. It gets hot.
humm this cham need uvb light.. way way more than anything alse.. uvb is vital, without uvb he can't absorb calicum.. without calcium he got mbd and symptoms like tongue shot problem, please.. next time let him in the wild provide him some sun exposure 2-4 time a week minimum.
Chameleons live outside in Hawaii. Yours even was wild caught. If someone else’s died it was because they didn’t know how to take care of it. These are not beginner pets and you should spread that word in your community. They are difficult creatures to care for.
Hey any updates?
Yes sorry it toke so long, been busy. The doctor said what is common with chameleons not using their tongues is usually most likely due to abscess. He gave me antibiotics and I have ti force feed him crickets with the syringe.. BT due to my Jackson being so strong and large, he thinks my Jackson is in outstanding health... *so he's certain its an abscess*
Yes sorry it toke so long, been busy. The doctor said what is common with chameleons not using their tongues is usually most likely due to abscess. He gave me antibiotics and I have ti force feed him crickets with the syringe.. BT due to my Jackson being so strong and large, he thinks my Jackson is in outstanding health... *so he's certain its an abscess*

That's great! Make sure you still make the changes people suggested. Even if he's healthy now, if he's not properly taken care of his health will eventually deteriorate and you'll have to deal with bigger issues down the road.

Glad to hear he's doing good though. Good luck :)
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