Mouth rot

Sorry for bad photos, but if you look close you will be able to see
Excess salvia
Brown teeth
Bright yellow gums
Does it look like mouth rot


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I am no vet but my suspicion would lean with mouth rot. I would take it to the vet immediately for antiseptic and antibiotic creams.

It is important to note that mouth rot is caused by secondary conditions such humidity, temperature, light, uvb exposure, diet, supplementation...etc

It would be more helpful to give more details on the above information. Please fill out the form "How to ask for help"

It is important to rectify secondary issues as this would aid in the recovery. If not, than treating is useless as it would return once again.

This article is also very helpful. Get familiar with mouth rot and how it functions
Sorry for bad photos, but if you look close you will be able to see
Excess salvia
Brown teeth
Bright yellow gums
Does it look like mouth rot

This is a panther, right? Be aware that the gums and inside of the mouth on some locales are normally yellow. Some chams' teeth are brownish. If there are areas of the gum that are swollen, a different color than the surrounding tissue (reddened or with patches of cheesy looking material) that can be a sign of mouth rot. The yellow is not. If a tooth is completely dark brown and the gum around that tooth is swollen or discolored, that would be a sign of a damaged or dead tooth. Or, if there are missing teeth.

Is this cham eating and drinking? A cham with a serious infection will be in pain and probably not eating.
Hi thanks
He is just got over a deficiency of vitamin a so maybe that is why is has got it
It's very hard to get a good look in his mouth and I haven't before now but he isn't eating now only drinking and seems very thirsty in the mornings and tries to wipe the salvia off his gums with his Tonque
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