More luck with free range feeding ?


New Member
Does any one have more luck with free range feeding than cup feeding ?

when jonjo was a baby he would always eat out of the cup but as he has got older he is not really interested as i have noticed often when i come home from work and he hasnt eaten a single thing out of the cup but the last few days or so i have just but the crickets in free range and he has started hunting them down and eating in front of me which i was so relieved about as trhought he may be going on hunger strike again. ive had a poop sample tested just waiting for the results to check he has no parasites but i think we may have got a break through :):):)
He might of been bored.... He probably needed something to stimulate him to hunt... It's the animal instincts in him to hunt ... Not expect to get food at one spot all the time... Also so it won't happen again... Try different feeder insects like silkworms , hornworms, super worms , roaches , and etc. ..... However do not use mealworms cuz they can cause impaction to your Cham ... Meaning it can lead death or a large vet bill ... Superworms don't have this problem Judy mealworms cuz they have more shell and not enough meat ... It's like eating a whole crab wilth no meat in it ... You just get shell ... Goodluck and I bet your Cham is fine with no parasites I hope from the fecal test....:D
yeah i think your right not exactly enviornmental enrichment for him eating out of a cup. Ive always offered him a variety of feeders but he got fussy for a bit ignoring the locusts crikets but eating superworms. ive tried dubias and silkworms with no luck as of yet but going to keep trying and limit the supers. i never give him mealworms but he does like a super. just want to try to get his weight up a bit now he has stayed around 100g for a couple of months now he is a year old but im hoping thats due to him being fussy and hunger striking so fingers crossed the sample comes back ok and we can get back on track.
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