Moldy newt?


Avid Member
Anybody here have newts? - I noticed some "fungus" (Saprolegnia) on our Oregon newt's foreleg last night. He had escaped a week ago when we were cleaning tanks, and had probably lost some of his protective slime by walking across the dry floor/being picked up by my dry hands to return him to water. I am treating with Melafix, which I know works well on fish, but do not know its efficacy on newts. Anyone have any experience with this?
i had two firebelly newts once. they lasted.. probably about six months. im not sure if thats good or bad. i definetly remember mold on one though, around its mouth. i believe it died. thats my experience.
my whites tree frogs had the same prob once. they had fungi on their feet. it was because their terrarium was too wet, and i made a hydrogen peroxide solution, and cleaned it with a Q-Tip, and its been 6 months, and nothing yet.
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