Misting Schedule Question

Seems like a lot of water how do you keep it from getting over flow on the bottom of the cage and leaking out? Also what about the mist getting all over the stuff inside your house thats next to the cage? I have a APT and have my chams in my room. on my dresser next to my tv
Seems like a lot of water how do you keep it from getting over flow on the bottom of the cage and leaking out? Also what about the mist getting all over the stuff inside your house thats next to the cage? I have a APT and have my chams in my room. on my dresser next to my tv

Read back in the post. All of your questions have been answered.
Read back in the post. All of your questions have been answered.

Draining system I seen that. But other then that? I can't put a draining system where it's located. I spray the inside of the cage and make sure the leafs and everything get pretty wet and spray the chams.
Seems like a lot of water how do you keep it from getting over flow on the bottom of the cage and leaking out? Also what about the mist getting all over the stuff inside your house thats next to the cage? I have a APT and have my chams in my room. on my dresser next to my tv

my female's cage has a little runoff, but a few paper towel changes a week does the trick, i have an apartment too so i hear ya.
dont do the green flooring, waste of money and it will stink and cause problems; ive tried it. just keep it bare and put a paper towel or two where the water might drip.
I hope my water system is waiting on my porch when I get home. I really do but I doubt it. I bet it comes tomorrow. All these great responses got me ready to drench my chameleon in a shower of H20 love.
I hope my water system is waiting on my porch when I get home. I really do but I doubt it. I bet it comes tomorrow. All these great responses got me ready to drench my chameleon in a shower of H20 love.

sometimes i wanna jump in the cage and get some of that mist.lol
dont do the green flooring, waste of money and it will stink and cause problems; ive tried it. just keep it bare and put a paper towel or two where the water might drip.

Drips are everywhere LOL my new cage has a umbrella that takes up the whole top. And I just bought 125 Gallon of the green stuff :mad: Oh well!
Draining system I seen that. But other then that? I can't put a draining system where it's located. I spray the inside of the cage and make sure the leafs and everything get pretty wet and spray the chams.

whether you have a misting system or not, I would recommend moving your Chams away from any electrical equipment due to the water issues. accidents happen. As far as keeping the mist in the cage. Shorter and more frequent sessions, or adding
additional covering on the one or two sides of the cage. More plants will also help to keep mist in the cage.

Hope that helps.

you can cut it up and make dinner table placemats.lol

I'll just use it until I run out

And heres my mister :)

nice mister, i sure dont miss those days. auto mister is the single greatest investment in this hobby. arthritis is a biotch.

plus all the cool people are doing it.lol
nice mister, i sure dont miss those days. auto mister is the single greatest investment in this hobby. arthritis is a biotch.

plus all the cool people are doing it.lol

Damn old ladies :p I have a small bottle and mist about half the water from the bottle each time.
Damn old ladies :p I have a small bottle and mist about half the water from the bottle each time.

I would have to fill that mister at least 6-7 times a day to mist all of my Chameleons. I am guessing you have only one Cham. I can use all that time saved staring at them if I want. Ah the freedom. :)

Along with addiction of Chameleons come the addiction of doing everything easier and more conveniently. Its all part of the fun.

Shoot, if they had an auto cricket dispenser I would use that.
I would have to fill that mister at least 6-7 times a day to mist all of my Chameleons. I am guessing you have only one Cham. I can use all that time saved staring at them if I want. Ah the freedom. :)

Along with addiction of Chameleons come the addiction of doing everything easier and more conveniently. Its all part of the fun.

Shoot, if they had an auto cricket dispenser I would use that.

LMAO @ The "auto cricket dispenser" yeah I had two but gave one to my brother so I only have one now :)
I would have to fill that mister at least 6-7 times a day to mist all of my Chameleons. I am guessing you have only one Cham. I can use all that time saved staring at them if I want. Ah the freedom. :)

Along with addiction of Chameleons come the addiction of doing everything easier and more conveniently. Its all part of the fun.

Shoot, if they had an auto cricket dispenser I would use that.

they actually sell those, dont know how well they work, but they do.lol
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