Misting and Home

I Have been asked this a lot, Is Owning misting system absolutely necessary??
Also, this may be a sin to some of you; but Yeezy (my Veiled) is kept in a glass terrarium about 20 gallons and seems perfectly happy, is this ok? and when should I acquire a screen enclosure?
I don't own a misting system, I mist with a spray bottle and haven't had issues. My veiled chams I've had for quite a few years and I've never had a problem with manual hand misting yet. And yes you should get a screen enclosure, the sooner the better.
How old is he? Many younger veileds start off life in a glass terrarium, but eventually they need more space. A 20 gallon space is too small regardless if its glass or screen. Some have issues with glass and some don't. Just be attentive in case you notice him pawing at the glass for hours (that's got to be frustrating!), or spending a lot of time posturing and firing up at nothing. He could be able to see a reflection of himself that he'll assume is a rival.

Whether you own a misting system or not depends on a lot of things...your particular house climate, local humidity and temperature ranges, whether you happen to be home to hand spray or not, how your cage is set up to provide water, etc. Many people kept chams years before auto misting systems were available. They can be wonderfully convenient if you are gone for long hours every day.
I do own a misting system, and in my opinion its great. I only have to fill the 2 gallon resivoir about once every 2 weeks. It does the rest. My only complaint is that the mist goes everywhere when using it on a (baby sized) mesh cage. I have towels everywhere. I hope this problem will be resolved when I buy Vincent his "big boy cage". I don't believe this problem will affect you though as you are using a tank. :D
I Have been asked this a lot, Is Owning misting system absolutely necessary??
Also, this may be a sin to some of you; but Yeezy (my Veiled) is kept in a glass terrarium about 20 gallons and seems perfectly happy, is this ok? and when should I acquire a screen enclosure?

Personally, I think a misting system is necessary for long-term health even with a veiled. I suspect most people only give a three or four spritzes with a hand mister and that isn't enough for a chameleon to clean out their eyes. I read people here on the forum talking about hand misting for minutes at a time, but I just don't see if if only because I don't hear people asking where to buy a mister that doesn't break. If you are going to hand mist, buy one of those pressurized hand misters that put out a very fine fog mist.

I use cages that are closed in on three sides, and sometimes most of the front. If you are using a mister and a screen cage, you might want to use a rain dome so the mist/water goes in a limited area downwards. You can make your own rain dome by attaching a mister or two to a tote and putting that on top of the screen cage. Or block three sides of the screen off.
How old is he? Many younger veileds start off life in a glass terrarium, but eventually they need more space. A 20 gallon space is too small regardless if its glass or screen. Some have issues with glass and some don't. Just be attentive in case you notice him pawing at the glass for hours (that's got to be frustrating!), or spending a lot of time posturing and firing up at nothing. He could be able to see a reflection of himself that he'll assume is a rival.

Whether you own a misting system or not depends on a lot of things...your particular house climate, local humidity and temperature ranges, whether you happen to be home to hand spray or not, how your cage is set up to provide water, etc. Many people kept chams years before auto misting systems were available. They can be wonderfully convenient if you are gone for long hours every day.
I am not exactly sure, I have only ever owned beardies and lessors geckos, all from breeders. I saw yeezy at a Petco about a month ago, he didn't have a basking lamp, vines, and only had a water bowl, which is useless. So immediately I had to have him. I may even have second guesses at his gender :/ is there a way I could find out ?
I am not exactly sure, I have only ever owned beardies and lessors geckos, all from breeders. I saw yeezy at a Petco about a month ago, he didn't have a basking lamp, vines, and only had a water bowl, which is useless. So immediately I had to have him. I may even have second guesses at his gender :/ is there a way I could find out ?
Leopard *


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If you look at the hind feet, you'll be able to tell. Males have a little spur on the back of their hind feet, and females don't.
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