Mister is set up, now have drainage Problem


New Member
I recently set up my my mist king system, but now water runs out of the cage(reptibreeze Screen cage 18x18x36). How do you soak up the water without using substrate? I was wondering if anyone could give me advise or share what they use to collect water, or a drainage system? Also if i used a substrate like coco fiber in a screen cage would my little Chica still be succeptable to respitory infections even with the open air? ps, I named my chameleon Chica. LOL
and yes, if you have substrate in the cage and it never dries out properly and keeps the humidity too high it can cause respitory issues for your cham!
Thanks for the link, alot of great set ups there. I have an idea a brewin now LOL. Ill try to put a pic up when im finished
glad that helped! that's how i figured out how im going to do the drainage for my big cage :) look forward to seeing it!
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