

New Member
I was wondering, do most male chameleons get fired up when they look in the mirror? If so at what age do most chams tend to fire up when looking at themselves in a mirror?
I was wondering, do most male chameleons get fired up when they look in the mirror? If so at what age do most chams tend to fire up when looking at themselves in a mirror?

yes they do fire up when they see themselves in the mirror, and they fire up from when they are about 5 moths but its not as niticable as when they are adults
My panther doesn't FIRE up... but he changes color a bit. I've only fired him up a couple of times... one time he was asleep.. he wasn't happy...........

Leo never did. I tried many occasions and he just tried to climb it.
I have a theory about mirrors. I think most chams fireup at the mirror itself rather than their reflection. Ive never been able to get a response from mine (several times), he's simply not intimidated. "Its a mirror, what? me worry?"
I think to a cham theres probly a big difference between another living animal and its reflection, something we dont see, or/and smell perhaps, thats missing from a reflection, despite their great vision.
lightwaves given off the skin in colors we cant see, pheramones etc.
Im sure some chams do fire up, but maybe its the shape/movement only they recognise?
Ive had chams DVD running in line of sight with homer, same species too, no interest at all, no reaction.
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