Hey everyone! I recently just found out my amazing and gorgeous panther ‘Sativa’ is a female!
We also decided to rename sativa from “blaze” as we found out the sex of her. I make occasional trips to the reptile store and pet store, this is just to check if they have anything new for my girls or even just food
Sativas Eating
Milly my Piebald Vield Chameleon was VERY hesitant on the hornworm, maybe it could have been the size of the worm but she eventually took the first bite
Although Milly was being very shy, (she usually is not a shy eater ) I did not catch a video of her eating the worm only like 5 mins of her looking at it 
We also decided to rename sativa from “blaze” as we found out the sex of her. I make occasional trips to the reptile store and pet store, this is just to check if they have anything new for my girls or even just food

Sativas Eating
Milly my Piebald Vield Chameleon was VERY hesitant on the hornworm, maybe it could have been the size of the worm but she eventually took the first bite