Might’ve just spent a little too much on the piglet 😂👍🏻 RIP BANK ACCOUNT HAHA 🪦


Avid Member
Just brought some new supplements you kindly suggested @Beman Thankyou for the help! See if the change does any good for her! I hope it does!

Also brought some isopods/ wood lice for her current enclosure to see how they hold up along with some feed and leaves for them to munch on, see how clean they can keep her enclosure unless she gets peckish 😂 and brought a load of other stuff she might like … I’m assuming she will anyway HAHA

I’ve also heard 100% natural bee pollen is good for our chams, I’ve never used it before but I’ve purchased some for her, any advice and what quantity can she have with a feed ?


Are you setting up a fully bioactive enclosure with drainage layer and all, or just adding isopods to plants? Regardless though, in order to protect them and provide them with food, it’s important to provide a decent layer of leaf litter and maybe some cork bark pieces to hide under. In time they will reproduce and become established that your little green eating machine won’t endanger their continued existence.
Are you setting up a fully bioactive enclosure with drainage layer and all, or just adding isopods to plants? Regardless though, in order to protect them and provide them with food, it’s important to provide a decent layer of leaf litter and maybe some cork bark pieces to hide under. In time they will reproduce and become established that your little green eating machine won’t endanger their continued existence.
That is the plan for the new enclosure, I would really like to try that, already have a tonne of leaf litter from my allotment, however it’s not the end of the world if she snacks on them but yeah have been reading up a bit lately and wasn’t sure wether to do it but I would like to try it
That is the plan for the new enclosure, I would really like to try that, already have a tonne of leaf litter from my allotment, however it’s not the end of the world if she snacks on them but yeah have been reading up a bit lately and wasn’t sure wether to do it but I would like to try it
It’s really a great and naturalistic way to go imo. If you need a bit of info, here’s a really helpful guide. https://www.chameleonforums.com/blogs/intro-to-bio-activity.2429/ My chams have learned that they have snacks living in their enclosures and do spend some time hunting them down. My male veiled got a bit chunky from all of his snacks, but the others do just fine and I think it’s nice enrichment for them. At least one of my girls, who previously used a standard lay bin, didn’t find her bioactive substrate suitable to lay her eggs in. Out of desperation I put her old lay bin in her enclosure and she got right down to business. 🤷‍♀️ My other two girls haven’t laid yet in their enclosures, but I did put a standard lay bin in the other girl who’s used only that in the past.
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