Measurements conversion help

what type of units? what fluids? what purpose?

1 drop of water (drop - gtt SI) equals 0.050 cubic centimeters (cm3 - cc)1 cubic centimeter (cm3 - cc) equals 20.00 drops of water (drop - gtt SI)
1 cm3 ≡ 1 ml
The mass of one cubic centimetre of water at 3.98 °C is closely equal to one gram

does that help?

Unit is a measurement used in medications only and there can be a different number of units in a single cc of fluid. Insulin and Heperin are both measured in units. There can be 1000 units of heperin in a CC of Saline or 10,000 units in one cc.

It is not a convertable measurement. Sorry.
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