New Member
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Panther cross ambilobe nosy bee, 1 year old I had since 3 months
Handling- maybe twice a week tops
Feeding - Crickets, mealworms, butterworms, silkworms, wax worms not many, just started with superworms. Just started feeding every other day, problem one I gut loaded crickets with store bought gutload with some carrots and lettuce, now I feed just fresh lettuce carrots, celery, apples banana, tomatoes, dried oats.
Supplements - problem 2 I recently found out I was giving him the wrong supps. I was dusting 2-3 times a week with the calcium with d3, now I have just calcium with no d3 and I dust 3 times a week. Multivites was 2 times a month
Watering - I have a habba mister set for 30 sec every 3 hrs and mist one to two times a day by hand. I see him drink alot
Fecal Description - normal white end, tiny tiny hits of yellow and poop is brown, never been tested for anything
History- bought from screameleons
Cage Info:
Cage Type - DIY cage 2x2x4 bought on website, all screen
Lighting - 12hrs on 12hrs off. I have 2 18 inch reptisun 5.0 and 100 watt blue bulb zoo med. I did use a reptglo for a while not sure if that caused any damage. Branches are 8-10 inches from the top
Temperature - temp at the bottom is around 63-65, basking is 85. I use a digital thermometer knowing it's not the most accurate
Humidity - average is around 65% winter it's a little dryer. I have a barometer in the middle of the cage and do have one big live plant in there
Plants - I have one umbrella tree plant
Placement- in the dinin room, I'm not sure what is considered high traffic but only 2 people live here
Location - pa
Current Problem - my Cham has a few problems and I think he might have mbd. Is there any cure for mbd? My Cham doesnt shoot his tongue out all the way his colors are very dull, he has bad aim. I notice in one eye when he blinks his eye goes forward towards his nose. Sometimes after he shoots his tongue out when it is back in his body he shakes up and down for a second like he had a problem getting it back in place. I want to catch any problems early please help
Pictures are helpful
Your Chameleon - Panther cross ambilobe nosy bee, 1 year old I had since 3 months
Handling- maybe twice a week tops
Feeding - Crickets, mealworms, butterworms, silkworms, wax worms not many, just started with superworms. Just started feeding every other day, problem one I gut loaded crickets with store bought gutload with some carrots and lettuce, now I feed just fresh lettuce carrots, celery, apples banana, tomatoes, dried oats.
Supplements - problem 2 I recently found out I was giving him the wrong supps. I was dusting 2-3 times a week with the calcium with d3, now I have just calcium with no d3 and I dust 3 times a week. Multivites was 2 times a month
Watering - I have a habba mister set for 30 sec every 3 hrs and mist one to two times a day by hand. I see him drink alot
Fecal Description - normal white end, tiny tiny hits of yellow and poop is brown, never been tested for anything
History- bought from screameleons
Cage Info:
Cage Type - DIY cage 2x2x4 bought on website, all screen
Lighting - 12hrs on 12hrs off. I have 2 18 inch reptisun 5.0 and 100 watt blue bulb zoo med. I did use a reptglo for a while not sure if that caused any damage. Branches are 8-10 inches from the top
Temperature - temp at the bottom is around 63-65, basking is 85. I use a digital thermometer knowing it's not the most accurate
Humidity - average is around 65% winter it's a little dryer. I have a barometer in the middle of the cage and do have one big live plant in there
Plants - I have one umbrella tree plant
Placement- in the dinin room, I'm not sure what is considered high traffic but only 2 people live here
Location - pa
Current Problem - my Cham has a few problems and I think he might have mbd. Is there any cure for mbd? My Cham doesnt shoot his tongue out all the way his colors are very dull, he has bad aim. I notice in one eye when he blinks his eye goes forward towards his nose. Sometimes after he shoots his tongue out when it is back in his body he shakes up and down for a second like he had a problem getting it back in place. I want to catch any problems early please help
Pictures are helpful