Masoala or Nosy Boraha Chameleon


I bought a chameleon 2 months ago being sold as a Masoala Panther Chameleon but he doesn't look like the last Masoala I had. He look like a Nosy Boraha, any thoughts anyone????

Below is a Masoala I had....

Now this the so call Masoala I bought......



I have a Nosy Boraha, who matches your second picture of the new "Mosoala" you got. He's consistently a whitish color, with purple stripes and a teal spine. He occasionally turns completely white, with small red spots in the back, and some yellow spots. Very beautiful. The first picture you have of him looks like a dark green. I've never seen that on mine.
A characteristic of the Masoala, from what I know, is the white /w red stripes. Nosy Boraha, St. Marie, or White Wizard (all the same) is what I mentioned above. Apparently, they're pretty rare. Do you know?
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