Marimo & Midori (T./C. Ellioti)


I moved Midori in with Marimo yesterday after Midori had been quarantined while waiting on her fecal results (everything was perfect!), so I figured I would post some pictures of the two. Everything is working wonderfully, the vivarium is big enough for them, although I will be getting a new one this summer as I really like the model I got for Yuki. Marimo was slightly confused but is cool with having her around (despite being very young still, he is not much bigger!). She doesn't seemed phased by him at all on the other hand, which leads me to believe that she grew up around her parents.

Either way, enough typing, more pictures! :D



She got a little stressed after the first picture.. :( But see if you can find Marimo in the first one!!!

Hope you enjoy! :D
Midori just ate her first large flies! :D Finally off the fruit flies and on to her big girl food! :)

Also as requested a picture of their vivarium:

It's big enough, for now. Will need a new, bigger one for the both of them latest in the fall! Need to decide between glass again and screen though... I think for the Ellioti's I'll stick with glass :) of course ones with good airflow (I can get one specially made, kinda like the one I have now). Yes, grasshoppers did a number on that pothos leaf!


nice :O I like the terrarium and the chameleon :O

Thank you! I worked really hard on getting the ecosystem just right. It works out really well! :p Substrate works well with these two because they are never near the bottom. The substrate itself is also big pieces of.. I'm not sure what. They're about 4x the size of them, so they won't be able to ingest anything! Wouldn't put substrate with my veileds though, I don't trust them (they eat everything!)

They are lovely- hopefully you'll need more than just one new cage at some point -

Well, I will be needing two. One for these two and one for Ryuu (by fall he will have outgrown his current viv). However, eventually I will need a load of small vivs for little chameleons! ;)
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