Male or female?


New Member
im new on this forum so this will be my first post.
i used google and found this forum wich seemes nice :)

chameleons are not very common in sweden where i came from, very few breeders and hard to find good caresheets in swedish.

i bought my Furcifer pardalis "Picasso" as a male about 4 months ago and he is about 7 months old now. (if i got the correct birth date from the seller)

after reeding on forums im not sure its a male after all. what do u guys think?

i have him in a glass cage with ventilation on top of it and in front. 50cm in deepth 70cm in width and 80cm in hight.
eating crickets and worms dusted with vitamin powder contains D3.

remember that english is NOT my main language so grammer failure and misspelling can occur.

All the best // Mikael


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So my guess was right that it was a female after all :)
i dont know the locale = locality?
i bought her as "picasso" and i beleve that means unidentified locality?

can i expect to see more colors on my female? or is this her final adult colors?
i have a picure of her father here and he is B E A utiful :)

Female generally will stay brown, orange, and some will have slight hints of colors. But, there is no way for her to be as colorful as her father. In this case, she won't change too much anymore. Sorry.

Now you know that it is indeed a she, have you provide her a bucket filled with moist sand, yet?
Knowing that she is 7 months old, she can lay eggs any moment (Regardless being bred by a male or not -only difference is if she has not mate, the eggs will be infertile)
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unfortunately i have not prepared a bucked yet, ive always thought it was a male since the seller told me so.
please tell me (or link) how to setup a proper bucket. what kind a sand, how deep layer should be etc.

when she have layd her eggs, what do i do with them? just dig them up and throw them away?
never expected to deal with buckets and eggs since i bought male i believed *grrr*
thats why i know so little about eggs, never realy read about it

all the best / Mikael
unfortunately i have not prepared a bucked yet, ive always thought it was a male since the seller told me so.
please tell me (or link) how to setup a proper bucket. what kind a sand, how deep layer should be etc.

when she have layd her eggs, what do i do with them? just dig them up and throw them away?
never expected to deal with buckets and eggs since i bought male i believed *grrr*
thats why i know so little about eggs, never realy read about it

all the best / Mikael

get a resonably deep bucket and fill it with a half soil half sand mix and make it about 12 inches deep, when she lays the eggs they will be infurtile so you can just throw them away.
So my guess was right that it was a female after all :)
i dont know the locale = locality?
i bought her as "picasso" and i beleve that means unidentified locality?

can i expect to see more colors on my female? or is this her final adult colors?
i have a picure of her father here and he is B E A utiful :)


if you want colors like that then you will need to get a male, they become very bright but females stay like yours is now.
thanx for all the good and helpfull info :)
i gonna buy a male at "hamm expo" in germany in september.
i will study the different localitys and pick my favourite :)

all the best to u guys :)
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