Major problem

Today is just a horrible day. My thirteen year old cat whom I have had since I was five is dying. He either has heart failure or cancer and is staying at an emergency hospital for the weekend. Currently there is no improvement. Now, I need to find molly a new UVB fixture and bulb within the next couple of days under $18. This is why I am posting. If I cannot find a UVB fixture in time, I will need to find somewhere for her to go until I find a new job and/or buy a good UVB fixture. If anyone is willing to be as kind as to take Molly into their home until I can sort things out I would be EXTREMELY greatful. I am cautious to ship her anywhere though in her condition so the closer you are the better. I live in Manchester, New Hampshire. I could send money for her food, but if you are willing to supply that too I would be ecstatic. If you think you would be able to take Molly into your home while I search, here are some things you need to know about her:

Molly is a female veiled chameleon, between 1 and 2 years old. She is a special one, I adopted her from petsmart on the verge of death. She had a double eye infection there and it left her partially blind. One eye she opens and it looks like she can see, but the other one looks like it is beyond hope. I found out today that her UVB light is most likely the cause of her eyes not healing as fast as they should. Also, she may be gravid. She weighs 77 grams and is porking out a bit, summoner thinks she looks gravid. Molly needs to be hand fed and watered, he loves wax worms and will tolerate crickets, her main food source. She also likes fruits and veggies. One other thing, she has two bumps on her head that we thought were abcesses so we cut them open a little bit to try and drain them but nothing came out. I put bacitracin on them daily so the cuts don't get infected. Other than all of that, she is a character and is very sweet. I can send her cage with her if you can not keep her with your female that comes with a basking lamp, but that is all I would have at the time which is why Id need to send her away for a while.

Here is a picture of her:
I would be willing to help you with a UVB light if you can keep Molly. Also natural sun would be great for Molly.....better than any UVB blub if there's a way you can get her in the sun.

Jann you are awesome!!! HIGH 5!!!!
Jann, you're a real sweetheart!

Justjumpit621, sorry to hear about your cat.
I saw your new pics of Molly and can't believe how good she's looking compared to when you got her! :)
She looks like a different cham.
A few days without the UVB isn't going to make a significant difference.
In nature, when there's a solid week of rain, I doubt that anything is getting any significant amount of UVB.
FWIW, I had my concerns about those bulbs, as well.
I had tried to determine their safety/unsafety, but was unable.
The site with the UVB bulb reports mentioned that companies have changed their bulbs, so I didn't really know--and I wouldn't tell you something if I was unsure that it was true.
They are a form of compact bulb, she came to you with serious eye problems and I think that you are far better-off being safe than sorry.
Jann, you're great to be so helpful!
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