Lost my little guy...


New Member
What ever the growth that popped up Tuesday while I was at work ended up cutting off circulation to his tail by the time I got home from work Wednesday, just in time for me to take him to the vet. The vet had no idea what it was and said even if we could fix whatever that problem was, he'd lose his tail.

I just didn't think it was fair to selfishly keep him alive without a tail. I made the decision to put him down. It was rough, but I felt it was the best decision.

RIP Lando

So sorry for your loss, from what I know they can live without a tail but I know what you mean.
So very sorry R.I.P Lando
My guys use their tail so extensively that I couldn't imagine them not having one, so I understand your thought process on Lando's tail problem and your decision to ease his pain. He was a really beautiful Cham...and I am so sorry for your loss. Its never easy losing one of our babies, is it? RIP Lando :(
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