Lost me baby Vielded today :(


Established Member
We were having trouble with him eating and getting the supplements he needed. Took him to the Vet and the vet said you may have to force feed, so we tried but this morning found him on the floor of the cage. RIP JD

Is there anything you can do better to accommodate eating and supplementing. I believe if he would have eaten more he would still be here. Maybe i am not cute out for the chameleon world. I had him for three weeks that was it:(
I'm so so sorry you lost your little guy :( How old was he? It's possible that he was too young or already sick when you got him. 3 weeks is a short time for things to go so wrong! If you want to fill out this form https://www.chameleonforums.com/how-ask-help-66/ in detail then people here can tell you if it was something to do with husbandry. Don't give up, stay with us :)
I would not say it's your fault. Something was probably already wrong when you first got him :(

How old was he? Most breeders won't let go of their baby chams until they are a certain age just cause there's almost always some who will die off after a few days, weeks. I know to little about you to say what's might have been wrong, but I would not say you're not cute to take care of a chameleon, they just need some more time and effort than other reptiles.

I'm sorry for your loss. I hope you will give it another try if you feel ready for it. And we are always here to help and anwser you questions as good as we can. :)
I'm sorry about your baby. You had him too short of a time for me to think it was any fault of yours. If you fill it the form we can help you make it tip top for your next baby if/when you decide to try again.

Don't give up stay with us. You obviously care about him because you took him to the vet. I'm sorry again about your baby
The fact that you were at the vet, trying to help, and knew there was a problem to begin with is a sign that you probably were not the cause of your little ones problems. I'm sorry for your loss, and wish this turned out better for you. Give it some time, do some research here and ask some questions. If then you decide owning a chameleon is not right for you at least you will know you are making the right decision. I'm not sure where you got him from, but there are some great breeders here as well as some site sponsors who sell chams. You are more likely to get a healthy animal from a reliable source, as well as a great source of care information! Again, sorry for your loss. RIP little guy :(.
Thank you

Chameleon Info:
• Your Chameleon - Veiled Chameleon, Male, pet store said about 2 ½ months. I had it for 3weeks
• Handling – Never
• Feeding – Started with crickets. He was hesitant to eat but only would eat about 2-3 crickets, he didn’t show much drive to hunt. Mainly just ate if it was in front of his face. Would not hand feed
• Supplements – Picture attached for supplements. I followed the schedule on the veiled care sheet from this forum.
• Watering – Zoomed habbaMister. Every 3 hrs for 45 secs. Sometimes mainly just looked at it
• Fecal Description – Brown and white, towards the end it was hard to find his feces.
• History - none

Cage Info:
• Cage Type – All screened enclosure( pictures attached) 20x18x12
• Lighting – I have a5.0 reptisun bulb for UVB 18inch and one 5.5 ceramic domes with 50watt UVA bulb. I have the light schedule on a 12 hour rotation from 8am to 8pm.
• Temperature – Lowest in cage is around 65-70 degrees, basking spot is around 85-90 degrees.(picture shows 81 but I have been cleaning) Lowest overnight temp is 64 degrees. Have 2 digital temps in cage one on basking and between middle to low level
• Humidity – They were between 40-60%. I have humidity gauge
• Plants – Just got a Ficus and soaked the leafs and re potted the plant
• Placement – Located in dining room( that we don’t use). No fans, 12ft from air vents, and not really high traffic area
• Location – Northeast PA

Current Problem – The vet said he looked kinda skinny he was having a lot of trouble eating, like stated above. Not getting the proper supplements. Not sure, but you guys are giving good support to try again. I cleaned the cage out and redid it. Pictures attached please critique want the best for the next guy. I have been doing a lot of research today. Anything is greatly appreciated. i hold the branches in with push pins.
Thank you all
Aww, I'm so sorry about you losing your baby cham :( I would say though dont give up, I am sure you can get lots of good information from this site, and then when you're ready you can get another little guy.
It looks all good to me, it was definitely not your fault that he past away. I guess you just happend to get a sick chameleon, sadly :(

Do you got drainage system from that misting system? You don't need one, but you should not have stained water in the cage. And a drain system would make it alot easier.

Do you got beliefe in the pet store you purchased your chameleon from or do you have another option to buy from? What I've learn is that you should always do your research or dubble check later when you get some information from the pet stores. I got lots of experience from pet stores that say things or trying to sell things that you don't need or are just completely wrong for a chameleon. For instant.
- Tried to sell me WAY TO BIG cricket for my guy, told me their chameleons at the same size ate that size of crickets.
- Tried to sell me a glas terrarium and said it was better than they screened one. (Screened tarrariums was cheaper)
With this I want to say that you should always be critical to what they say, keep in mind that they want to make as much money out of you as possible. And most bigger companies don't care if it will hurt the pet, just care about to make as much money as possible.

I hope this give you some kind of hope and help to get another cham, they are a joy full to take care of and see growing up.

Good luck, and if you got any other questions feel free to ask us and PM me if you want and I'll try to help you out :)
The set up looks nice. I see some extra vines on the side ready to be added! This should give some security to a little one. If you do give it another go, I would try some better gutload for your feeders. The flukers stuff is not the best option. From what I can see, I hope you do get another little friend. You've got the foundation for success and the willingness to learn! Good luck with the decision. ;)
Ok I will check out the forum on gutload on this site. Thanks again, as for the drainage i put paper towels in the bottom and changed daily.
My wife and i were talking and i think we want to go with a female panther, but not sure i think they are real beautiful. Any good breeders or websites you guys know of? And with all the research it seems the hardest thing with them is the eggs they lay.
I'm so sorry you lost your baby chameleon! I know how devastating it is to watch a precious little baby waste away. My first one lived only 10 days after I got him. He was too young and stressed. I got a new onea couple of months ago and it has been completely different. I would suggest getting one from a site sponsor or a member on the forums. Ask around on here. I got mine from a forum member. It looks like you are doing everything right. Just because he died does not mean it was your fault. He was probably sick when you got him. If you love chameleons, don't give up. From the pictures and the info you gave, I know you are able to properly care for one. Try not to be too hard on yourself. I'm so sorry this happened to you. It will, however, make you appreciate when you do get a healthy one. Good luck to you!
Sorry to hear you lost your little babe! Don't give up!! You're on the right track - cage looks good although more live plants would create a sense of comfort and places to hide if necessary. I would also look into a drainage system as standing water can cause illness! Otherwise, it looks good! RIP to your little one!
awe, i had the exact same thing happen with my first petstore veiled. he was sold WAY to young and already in poor health but still "looking" relatively healthy. but with the shock of transport and a new environment, they just cant handle it and its the straw on the camels back that causes them to not be able to recover.

try again with a new cham, the fact you are here and that you posted shows you care and if you truly care about them then you should succeed with your next one, i recommend an older one (juvinile) as they are more stable. its a learning experience but still very sad. i had mine for 3 days before it died but watched it suffer every single day, theres just nothing you can do but try again because it is very rewarding to own and watch these amazing reptiles.

RIP little guy, and i wish you luck.
Thanks everyone again. I have recently purchased a female panther from screameleons and she had a way different attitude and has been great. My wife would not let me wait she told me to not fall off the horse and do it again
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