Looks like I might lose her :-(


New Member
Well my female vieled who I've been treating basically since the word go has today been diagnosed with psuedomonus :( She has a deep absys on her snout which now looks like a third eye. The vet says pretty much all I can do clean it with F10 and cross my fingers because this kind of infection is too resistant to treat. The only drug that can do anything would kill the chameleon through kidney damage :( She says she can debide the area and return her to me but that sounds awful. That's basically tearing the cham's face off :eek:This doesn't look good at all....
If you want to beat the pseudamonas (sp?) the area will need to be debrided and flushed and then the chameleon will have to be put on an antibiotic that will kill the pseudomonas. A culture and sensitivity test will show what antibiotic will work the best. During the time the chameleon is on the antibiotic, it needs to be kept well hydrated to decrease the possibility of kidney damage. Although pseudamonas is one of the more difficult ones to be killed off, it can be killed as a rule.
The culture test has been done and the vet has said that she doesn't want to put her on the only antibiotic that might work because it will likely kill her. The debriding will need to be done apparently yes but she said it can't be healed over as there is no skin to stretch over. Sounds pretty horrific. Is it?
Aaaawww poor little girl :( I am sorry you are having such a hard time with her. Fingers crossed for you both :)
So sorry to hear your little girl isn't doing well. I can cope with your frustration as I'm going through an antibiotic treatment with my male panther. Hang in there.
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