Leon's new stand!


New Member
Greetings Everyone!!

Just thought I would share how things are coming along for Leon's enclosure, actually just the stand in this post :D.

First I just want to throw out some mad props to all the great members here sharing their many, many combined years of wisdom. It is hard to imagine what life was like for the average joe to research and gather information 50 years ago :confused: We are so blessed to live in a time of such easily accessible information, and even more blessed are we that there is such a great community of awesome individuals willing to spend their time to share their experiences and knowledge with us all of us newbies. So.... Thank You to everyone that contributes!

Okay... okay.... enough of the mushy stuff... It's time for show and tell!

Here is a stand I made for Leon. I searched and searched for a while trying to find something that would work. I know others have found something like bathroom vanities and modified them, others have used wire shelving, and many have built their own custom and very elaborate full enclosures (some of which I have seen are absolutely beautiful and amazing and rival that of some modern architecture! LOL). Those ones unfortunately are just beyond my skill level and I am sure I lack the necessary tools needed to even attempt them (hhmmm... might be a good excuse to go shopping :D).

At any rate I needed something that would be a functional piece of furniture, but required minimal tools to assemble and build. Nothing more than the basics. I found it in this http://ana-white.com/2011/08/channing-snack-cabinet a basic, nice looking and functional stand. It fit the bill perfect! Only it didn't fit the stand :( after some quick checks with the tape measure and a quick trip to the hardware store we were off and running.

The only real measurement that needed changed was the depth. I changed all 15.75" measurements to 22" and voila we have a perfect fit for Dragon Strand 2'x'2'x4' cage! Oh yeah, by the way HUGE props out to Bill at Dragon Strand for the great customer service (he knows what he did... all I can say is "Franken-box" LOL) and providing an amazing product! Thanks Bill!!

Anyways I love how it turned out. I am always a big fan of the natural look so I haven't decided how or what to use to finish in yet. I am torn between a dark, almost black finish so it will match our book shelves on the other side of the room or just shellac it with a light amber color and finish of with some clear sealant to water proof it. So for now it sits in its unfinished nakedness awaiting for me to decide.

Wow, ok this is probably the worlds longest "look at the cool stand I just built" thread. So lets just get on with it and post the pics already haha

PS don't mind the mess around the room lol



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Ana White cabinets, what's next? Dresses from zoolilly.com for Leon? :eek: everyone here can appreciate that perfect stand. Lord knows it took me FOREVER to find ones that hold 2 18"x18"x36" cages side by side on top with 2 16"x16"x30" cages below. Congrats there Susie Homemaker. :D
Ana White cabinets, what's next? Dresses from zoolilly.com for Leon? :eek: everyone here can appreciate that perfect stand. Lord knows it took me FOREVER to find ones that hold 2 18"x18"x36" cages side by side on top with 2 16"x16"x30" cages below. Congrats there Susie Homemaker. :D

Haha Thanks Junglefries now I gota go renew my "Man-Card" and maybe some sort of fine and/or penalty might be in order LOL

I am not even sure what zoolilly.com is but now I gota go look :confused: you just never know where your next chameleon accoutrements will come from :D
Wait for some commercials, you'll see the zoolilly ads for soccer moms. Complete uppidty site. Really gives the middle finger to lower income parent(s) and does it while smiling :). Thanks for having a sense of humor, I couldn't resist. By the way, you are on a forum, neither of us has a man card now! :eek:
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