lazer the red body blue bar update


Avid Member
thought this guy deserved to get another thread now that his oranges have gone completely red, this guy is unbelievable in person I have never seen a chameleon glow red like he does, and my favorite thing is hes showing these colors all day long, hes not even fired up in these pics.

Let me know what you all think, I also got this guy breeding for me and have a gravid female so hopefully will have eggs cookin soon


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He's nuts! Where did you get him from? He doesn't look like any other Ambilobe I've ever seen. Really impressive red.
thats a flash boy from amazing blue thats where ya see those.. he realy turned out awesome miles..
He is AMAZING I saw him at Pomona and you are lucky you got him before the doors opened because people were lining up for him ;) What line is the female from you mated him with?
He is AMAZING I saw him at Pomona and you are lucky you got him before the doors opened because people were lining up for him ;) What line is the female from you mated him with?

LOL this wasnt that guy I tried buying the other one but he sold this guy was just showing hints of possibly going red body at the time and I decided to take a chance, it payed off big :)
real nice boy you got there, not many redbody blue/purple bars out there. great find. i saw the other guy too at the pomona show too. most likely they kept that one. congratz on the eggs as well
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