Last week's tumble, this week's bruised little body.

Piperacillin is a broad-acting antibiotic, used for Gram negative bacteria. It's usually paired with tazobactam.
I'm not upset with you. I'm just too worried I guess to think start. The vet did say to give her fluids and calcium he even mentioned to place her in a shallow bath just often to cover the bottom for her to lay in for 20 mins.

No there was no x-rays done or ultrasound, he seemed like he's been through it before. All I did was tell him what had happened a week or so prior to taking her to him. I just don't know what to do at this time. I don't want to to die, but at the same time I don't want her to suffer.

Also when I saw him for the emergency visit this past weekend he injected her with fluids just behind her shoulders is that normal? He gave me antibiotics for the next ten days. That I need to inject just under her skin just behind her shoulders.

It sounds like the vet gave her subcutaneous fluids (fluids under the skin) which is good.

Putting her in a bath is not something you should be doing with a chameleon. They won't drink that way and they certainly can't absorb water through their skin. If you are giving meds orally, just add some water to the meds. I put the end of the (needle-less) syringe deep in their throat, well back of the airway openings which they can pull to the back of their throat. Just be very careful not to do any damage to the throat structures.

Sometimes I forget people are in a complete panic and very upset. Again, I'm sorry if I've added to your grief.
It sounds like the vet gave her subcutaneous fluids (fluids under the skin) which is good.

Putting her in a bath is not something you should be doing with a chameleon. They won't drink that way and they certainly can't absorb water through their skin. If you are giving meds orally, just add some water to the meds. I put the end of the (needle-less) syringe deep in their throat, well back of the airway openings which they can pull to the back of their throat. Just be very careful not to do any damage to the throat structures.

Sometimes I forget people are in a complete panic and very upset. Again, I'm sorry if I've added to your grief.
Its all right, I'm preparing myself for the likely hood that we are going to have to put her down to not let her suffer any longer.
I have been giving her water orally I add calcium w/oD3 to the water once a day, and try to give her just water as much as possible, and keeping her warm.
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