Lamp Questions


New Member

I recently purchased my first veiled chameleon, a male who is about 3 months old. I have experience in caring for adolescent veiled chameleons, but this is the first enclosure I've created.

I've found that our space for him doesn't seem to be getting warm enough. Right now we have an 18"x18"x18" open air cage. For lighting we're using two Exo-terra Full Spectrum Repti-Glow 10 UVB bulbs as well as 60 watt basking bulb in the smallest Fluker's Ceramic clamp lamp. With all the lights on, it gets to an average of 82 degrees fahrenheit, with the closest basking spot closer to 90 degrees.

We also have in the cage a water fountain which is used when my fiancee and I are away on business for the day [no more than 36 hours] and we have the lights set on a 12 hour timer. We have driftwood and places where he can get under the shade as well.

My question is: to get the cage warmer and a warmer basking spot- which lamps and products are the best and where can I purchase them, online or in store? Also- with my UVB bulb choice am I giving him too much light, or should I get switch to a 5 UVB bulb?

Thank you so much in advance!!
Welcome to the forums.

It may be helpful if you can post a picture of your set up.

Also many of the keepers here will recommend against anykind of water feature like your waterfall due the possibility of contamination of the water by feeder and cham feces.

Again welcome

I've found that our space for him doesn't seem to be getting warm enough. Right now we have an 18"x18"x18" open air cage. For lighting we're using two Exo-terra Full Spectrum Repti-Glow 10 UVB bulbs as well as 60 watt basking bulb in the smallest Fluker's Ceramic clamp lamp. With all the lights on, it gets to an average of 82 degrees fahrenheit, with the closest basking spot closer to 90 degrees.

O gosh, that's plenty hot enough for a 3 months old baby.

We also have in the cage a water fountain which is used when my fiancee and I are away on business for the day [no more than 36 hours] and we have the lights set on a 12 hour timer. We have driftwood and places where he can get under the shade as well.

NO water fountain 4 chams.

Also- with my UVB bulb choice am I giving him too much light, or should I get switch to a 5 UVB bulb?
I think reptiglo 10 is allright,
But, i would usually recommend people to buy this:
ReptiSUN 5.0 Linear tube

That lamps is the most used brand in the market for chameleons.
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