"Kamish, what are you doing?!?!?"


New Member
So last night, my boyfriend and I were watching TV when all of a sudden my boyfriend looks over and says "Kamish, what are you doing?!?!" So, of course, I immediately look to see what he is talking about and see Kamish pulling himself up from being upside down (hanging from a vine by his tail) with his right back leg stuck over his back. It is really hard to explain, but it looked as if he tried to reach really high to the vine above him and somehow got his foot over his spikes on the middle of his back and he couldn't get it back down. I thought his leg was dislocated, it was so out of place. It was like something from Unborn-the movie where the dog's head turns upside down. Gross!

I didn't know what to do, but he was opening and closing his foot like he was trying to get it unstuck, but couldn't manage to do it. I wasn't sure what to do, so I opened the cage and tried to slowly lure him onto my hand, to be able to help the situation without causing him much stress. He wasn't having any of this. He started cruising towards the back of the cage on 3 legs, like he never even had a fourth! So I gently reached up and barely pushed the foot over the center of his back...and like nothing ever happened, his leg was back in the normal position. He stopped and was looking at me for a minute like I'm the one that put his leg there or something. I watched for him to move again just to make sure everything was okay and he was walking like nothing even happened. Today, he did his normal T-Rex stance when shooting at crickets (holding himself up with just his back legs and holding his front legs in close like they are short little T-Rex arms lol)

It was a very scary moment, but now that I know everything is okay, its kind of funny looking back. I wish I would have taken a picture so everyone could see, and because its extremely hard to describe the position his leg was in, but I was in too much of a hurry to try and make sure he wasn't hurt. I thought everyone would enjoy my little scare. Has anyone else had any situations like this??
I had a veiled hanging upside down from his tail and one foot off the top of the cage. I knew he could not sleep comfortably and might fall so I carefully took him loose to "right" him and got bite for my help!! Ungrateful little brat.:D
My first cham, Lily, managed to get the end of her tail stuck in the lock mechanism of her cage! Like you, I went into panic mode, but she wreched it free herself. I was so upset! All she had was a little bruise on the tip of her tail, but it certainly scared me.
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