Juvenile vs. Adult Personality?


New Member
Hi guys, I have two 6month old Ambilobe Panthers, 1 male and 1 female. I have been slowly handling them a few times a week for 3-4 months. They both have become slowly more tolerant of me, but still get stressed pretty easily.
Anyways, My question is do Panthers become more confident and comfortable with being held as they get older? Or do you think they maintain their demeanor throughout life? My friends mature male panther is SO friendly. He loves climbing around on me/anything he can reach and doesn't seem stressed when out of his territory. Is this more of a confident adult behavior or just a confident chameleon in general? Thanks!
From what I've heard an adult male panther is much more tolerant than when he/she's a juvenile. My male Ambilobe (11 months old) doesn't have a problem climbing out of his cage now and it very tolerant of me and doesn't get stressed but when he was young he would always try to runaway and get mad. I also think that it's because Chams recognize their owners (I might get bashed for this :p). I say that because both my chams don't really like to be touched by anyone else. When I take both my chams out for their weekly shower neither of them would go onto my sister and would hiss at her sometimes lol. They're both very calm with me though.
Thanks for the fast response. The info is really helpful and what I was wanting to hear. I hypothesized that they would be alot confident with age, and this is exactly how you are describing it. What was your handling schedule or routine when your chams were juveniles?
I agree with PaulZarate. I think young chams are just spaztic and spunkier. i would just stick with a hand feeding routine and letting them out maybe on the weekend while you clean cages. You don't want them to get to use to being outside the cage, otherwise they will get spoiled and try all day long to leave the cage. This is from personal experience.;)
Sounds like a good plan, thanks for the info! I have offered crickets and roaches from my hand many times to try and get them feeding out of my hand, but neither one has ever gone for it yet. They just look at me like "Are you kidding? I'm not about to try that!" lol They defiantly acknowledge the insects presence, but I think they're just too nervous.
Do you have any tips to get them to start hand feeding?
keep trying and approach slowly. It may be that they are uncomfortable with you being "in" their enclosure. Try opening the door and holding it just outside so they have to come and get it. Make sure they're hungery though, maybe don't feed them right away in the am and let them get hungary.
I think they get friendlier the more they are handled and get used to you. But that is just my case of course and all chams obviously have different personalities.. My chameleon has never been "mean" or tried to bite like some members. So i think it is luck of the draw and you still might have a cham that never wants to be handled and is always stressed out even into adulthood. I think they are definitely less stressed out of their cages, and don't mind being handled as much. Alls you can do is try and not try and force the situation if they don't like to be handled. Mine is sitting on top of the cage door right now. If I go over and put my hand up he will most of the time climb on but if he doesn't I don't force the issue. As far as hand feeding, again I have been so lucky and pretty much from the start my cham just ate from my hand. I really dont have any tips other than again trying it while they are out of the cage, that is of course if you can get them out!!! lol!
I noticed in a later post that you asked about a handling shedule. Well, I may get frowned on here by some members, but I handle every day.In the very beginning it was for like 5 or 10 minutes a day. Have from the start with the exception of the first couple weeks and letting the little guy get settled in. I think it has been the key to my cham being so friendly. That is just my opinion.
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