Jackson's compared to veild


New Member
Hey guys I've been keeping veilds for a while now and was thinking of expanding my collections. I decided on getting a Jackson's (I think a male dwarf), I love their horns. Are they any harder to keep than a veiled? Is their cage size different. I'm planning on getting one in about two months but want to start getting everything ready so when the expo comes I will be ready. Just let me know if there are any major differences, if any, that I might need to consider.

Thanks again
Major differences that I can think of would be:
Cooler temps
Higher Humidity
I'm sure others will add to this.

Breeding will be a pain.... anything above 70 will actually cook the babies jackson. I lost 2 clutch of babies from higher temperature.:mad:
Well i'm definitely not planning on breeding. Just want one cuz they are cool. What do you mean when you say anything above 70 will cook them?
They are a mountain chameleons from a place where there are no 70 degrees. 75 degredd for a day will kill them outright!
I have bred and kept them for years and they are not an easy species. When you are used to Veiled ones they are nothing like them!!
You need more vegetation, they are not als bold as a Veiled one.
Cooler climate, morre humidaty, more spraying, and even different foods.
They tend to like greenprey items alot, ort brighter colored.
They are a very good looking species and lots of fun to watch, just make sure you got al you need to keep them well!
cooler climate, higher humidity - but I think your numbers are way off juriaan - sure you're not getting F and C mixed up?

Jacksonii can tolerate higher temps than 70's. They'll overheat in the high 80's, but it isn't going to kill them outright. Remember, these things live wild in hawaii, florida and southern california.
I will be housing him indoors. You think I will be ok. My veilds are perfectly healthy so I know how to take care of chams. I know this is a completely different species but none of the care sheets I have read seem to say they are that much more diffucult, and I have read allot.
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