Is this normal?

Ok, got the article.
It is written by Susan Donoghue D.V.M.
Here is the link:

I believe this will help you, Petkel.

Try hornworms first if you can. I prefer hornworms than waxworms. Just make sure you get the hornworms from commercial feeder company. Not from the wild. Hornworms in the wild eat leaves from solanaceae plants (tomato, peppers, etc). They become poisonous. And, feeding wild caught hornworms can be detrimental to your chameleon :)
I am finding it extremely difficult to find horn worms over here in england but will feed wax worms till i find some, is my husbandry good any extra advice welcolme ..thanx for your help..petkel..
So, you are thinking along the line of blended insects or some sort of a bug juice (yum yum :))? Normally, chameleon has no interest at all in eating anything that isn't moving. So, to make it drink the bug juice, we would literally have to force feed the chameleon.
Force feeding is incredibly stressful.

If the chameleon is still actively hunting for food or still have the initiative of eating on its own, I would feed the chameleon just like normal.

There is an article about the benefit of feeding certain live insects when your chameleon is sick. I will try to find the article. But, i need a bit time looking for it.

To stay relevant to Petkel's thread, in his/ her case, I would recommend giving the chameleon soft bodied insects such as hornworms, silkworms, and even waxworms to plump up and hydrate the chameleon.

If the chameleon is no longer taking food, only then, I would resort to force feeding it a bug juice. I will only force feed my cham when I see the benefit outweigh the stress I am implementing.

Thanks Dodolah I didn't have anything particular in mind, just curious. I have spent my a fair share of time helping sick animals. I tend to think in extremes.

Sorry again petkel, good luck and best wishes to you and your familia.
I am finding it extremely difficult to find horn worms over here in england but will feed wax worms till i find some, is my husbandry good any extra advice welcolme ..thanx for your help..petkel..

LOL.. sorry, I thought you are from Birmingham, Alabama :D:D:D

Hornworms is a pest and illegal in England.
Try silkworms, superworms, and occasional waxworms.
will order some silk, butter and phonix worms as i know a site that is selling them all at the mo :) thank you so much..are butter worms that nutritious? i do know i can not breed butter worms neither :(..
will order some silk, butter and phonix worms as i know a site that is selling them all at the mo :) thank you so much..are butter worms that nutritious? i do know i can not breed butter worms neither :(..

a precaution on phoenix worms.. not every chameleon will like them. They can be hard to digest as well. So, don't buy too many phoenix worms.

Butter worms are good feeders. They are high in fats, but in your case, it should be fine.

Butterworms come irradiated to kill bacterias and parasites they might carry.

I have personally never feed my chams with locust.. But, If I could get my hands on those healthy locust (free from pesticides) I would have no doubt fed them to mine. In my experience taking care of chameleons, I honestly do not have a concept of staple diets. I rotate a LOT of feeders. So, no particular insects become a staple.
I fed mine Painted lady butterflies, cabbage white butterflies, dragonflies, houseflies, bluebottle flies, mantis, crickets, dubia roaches, butterworms, hornworms, silkworms, phoenix worms, sphinx moth, superworms, and any other safe insects I can feed to my chams.
I have stick insect eggs cooking too :D just ordering butter worms, locusts and silk worms..can't get my hands on phoenix worms :( but i think that is a great idea as to rotation of different foods for them i think i am going to do that so my chams have a varied and healthy diet :)..
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