Is my chameleon just a runt??

Don't fret over the past, everyone has things they wish they'd done differently, so just work to do what's best now.
It may not be parasites and there may not be any treatment.
He could be growth hormone deficient or something else beyond anyone's control.
The vet should be able to find the cause.
As for growth, maybe he can catch up a bit if it is parasites or something else treatable but I don't think he will reach the size he would have been.
Mine looked "fine" but had ringworm. It's not like you'd be able to see the parasite eggs with the naked eye. Most pets including Chams need regular fecal tests.

I think you mean pinworms, hookworms, tapeworms or roundworms, since ringworm is a fungal skin infection.

You are 100% correct about the need for periodic fecal tests to check for internal parasites.
Well if you are not happy with what the vet has to say, I will grab that little beauty in a heart beat. He is completely beautiful. Size doesn't matter to me, I love tiny chams.
I think you mean pinworms, hookworms, tapeworms or roundworms, since ringworm is a fungal skin infection.

You are 100% correct about the need for periodic fecal tests to check for internal parasites.

Sorry, roundworms not ringworms. This is what happens when I'm on the forum from my phone.
Well if you are not happy with what the vet has to say, I will grab that little beauty in a heart beat. He is completely beautiful. Size doesn't matter to me, I love tiny chams.

Haha no I'm quite happy with him! I just wanted to make sure his size wasn't due to something I was doing wrong or an illness.

Gonna be at the vet Tuesday so ill let everyone know how it goes. I figured I should take him anyways just in case!
Just a little update, we went to the vet and while he agreed he was somewhat tiny everything looked good

They send out the fecal sample to an outside lab so I should be getting a call soon and hopefully everything checks out.

He was surprisingly awesome! He was flexing his muscles at the vet but he was so good I didn't even need to put him in the box for the ride home and he just hung out on my arm the entire car ride (only about 10 minutes)

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