In need of some serious help!


New Member
Okay! I brought home a new baby chameleon today and I know that doesnt tell you much but, some one left her at my work today and I've always wanted one.. Im just very new at the moment and any advice on set up and how to take care of her would be AMAZING!!! Im not even sure what type she is... :S she light brown in color and doesnt have the veil type on it its about 4 inches in length and kind of stripey???? SORRY!!! but I purchased a 12x12x18 enclosure...(for now) it has the screen on top and the two "french" style door that open outwards. We also bought a daylight 50 watt a 50 watt heat light and a 26 watt tropical terrarium bulb? aswell as some plastic plants and some vines to climb. Please let me know what else I need, I really want her to be happy!

Thank you so much!

can you post pics of your setup and the cham...

since its nitetime, you can turn the lights off...they do not asnything at night, they sleep at night...and u only need one heat lamp the 50 watt should b ok and a uvb 5.0 reptisun or repti-glo bulb and fixture....

please post pics and where are u located ?,
Please post a picture so we can determine the species. And then you can look up, or ask info when the species is determined.
Please post a picture so we can determine the species. And then you can look up, or ask info when the species is determined.


if its any aboreal or old world chameleon, that glass tank will not not work for the most part , i believe.....and the lights fixtures u got dont look please get a pic ASAP...its the only way for us to help....
Exoterras can work for many species even vieleds, they provide great ventilation and alot of Uk keepers use them because of colder temperatures. You just have to make sure your not overheating the Cham.
Exoterras can work for many species even vieleds, they provide great ventilation and alot of Uk keepers use them because of colder temperatures. You just have to make sure your not overheating the Cham.

yes, but i dont think new or inexperienced owners should keep them to start with, a good example is the lights she got....she would of overheated the cham. i believe...

Uk is great for them but here in California us, not so much...but i cant speak for Canada :p
Oh yes screen should defiantly be used for a new Cham keeper....however if the species requires a higher humidity, then yes an extra should be used that fits the species needs of size. The starter of this thread needs a reptisun or reptiglo 5.0 linear tube, and a basking light that doesn't exceed 80 degrees for a baby chameleon. We really need to know the species or we cannot help you for specific requirements.
Okay so i finally took a picture!

Thank you for your replies!!!

Don't derail the thread please.

i thnk he/she is refering to a helpful link about the proper care for veileds and panthers, i think...but since we dont know wat cham she has, we dont know if the caresheet link will help....she/he wasnt derailng the thread...
As I suspected it is a panther chameleon. Please take an image of the base of the tail leading into the tail...(where the vent is...or it's potty hole!) so we can determine it's sex. You need a screen cage for this take back the glass. And go fro a reptarium or screen has many chameleon supplies.

You need calcium without D3
Calcium with d3
And a multivitamin dust

D3 every 2 weeks.

Calcium every other day

And multivitamin once a month

You need to gut load your feeders with vegetables found on the safe list....meaning no tomatoes or broccoli

Humidity should be at no less then 50% an average 60.

Basking should be at around 82 ish now and as it ages basking can increase to 90. (only this hot if it's male)
As I suspected it is a panther chameleon. Please take an image of the base of the tail leading into the tail...(where the vent is...or it's potty hole!) so we can determine it's sex. You need a screen cage for this take back the glass. And go fro a reptarium or screen has many chameleon supplies.

You need calcium without D3
Calcium with d3
And a multivitamin dust

D3 every 2 weeks.

Calcium every other day

And multivitamin once a month

You need to gut load your feeders with vegetables found on the safe list....meaning no tomatoes or broccoli or spinach

Humidity should be at no less then 50% an average 60.

Basking should be at around 82 ish now and as it ages basking can increase to 90. (only this hot if it's male)

great...u beatt me:p..yet i feel like i won:pjk.....for the most part that is most of wat u need for panthers info so far.....

to the new owner GOOD LUCK;)
Also fill the enclosure with live plants found on the safe list. Devils ivy ais great (pothos) and shaffler arbicol (umbrella plant) and ficus....real plants help raise humidity....obviously you need to spray the chameleon to keep this humidity up and for it to drink, also a dripper should be in place so it can recognize moving water.

Nevere use waterfalls for they are a breeding ground for bacteria.
Indeed, sorry for my comment before, I have never seen that, I thought it was a joke. My appologies.
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