I Think I Need Help

It's gonna drop at night that's normal but yeah you wanna keep it above 40
Lol don't be a wuss, Chams are tiny gentle creatures they cannot break kin if they tried. If fact I am still trying to domesticate some of my Nosy Be Panthers because they are pretty wild and I often put my fingers right in front of their mouth if they gape at me so they know they can't hurt me if they tried lol. very cute when they hold on a long time lol, but ya its less painful than a human pinch for sure. Lastly you will need to be able to force your chameleons to go places or simply move so you really need to start handling your cham more and not be afraid of it.
Are you kidding?! Google chameleon bite, they most certainly can break skin. I heard majority of chameleons aren't friendly. I got lucky, Rango comes scampering to the door when I come in the room. Stands on his hind legs and reaches out with his "hands". Lol like a baby who wants out of the crib.
I Figure that my biggest problem is most likey the Humidity i actually have a fogger on its way.. Considering im from the uk and the Heating is on FULL BLAST it takes the humidity out of the air.

@Ilike4hornedchams If you read my first post on thread. Randel gained alot of trust and was a right sweetheart. But from what someone suggested and on google. Chams are little like Humans. My cham has hit his teenage life and wants to be left alone while playing xbox :D
I Figure that my biggest problem is most likey the Humidity i actually have a fogger on its way.. Considering im from the uk and the Heating is on FULL BLAST it takes the humidity out of the air.

@Ilike4hornedchams If you read my first post on thread. Randel gained alot of trust and was a right sweetheart. But from what someone suggested and on google. Chams are little like Humans. My cham has hit his teenage life and wants to be left alone while playing xbox :D
Do you have live plants? They work great for keeping humidity. I have a Pothos and some air plants. He eats the Pothos almost everyday. Is this your first chameleon?
Do you have live plants? They work great for keeping humidity. I have a Pothos and some air plants. He eats the Pothos almost everyday. Is this your first chameleon?
Yeah my First cham. I have a Umbrella and i think the other is a cheese plant.
Heres some images


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yeah i just researched historical weather data over the past 10 years in ambilobe for my panthers..looked at the seasons and came up with a range..rather than fish thhorugh random opinions..then you have to take into account micro climates. Yemen is arrid..here a link i found on it.. doesnt say anything on humidity but this is a good start point on a range plan of temps ..and you can research humidty in other sites but you have cities now to look up http://www.martinsreptiles.co.uk/ukchams/calyptratus_habitat.htm

One thing you have to consider is how much the Arabian Peninsula has changed over the last 10,000 years. The Empty Quarter used to have lakes. I've traveled in those areas and it is very very humid. The arid places are in the interior.
A veiled chameleon lives in Yemen. He does not need as much water vapor as a panther chameleon. Yemen is semi-desert, Madagascar is jungle. Less moisture. I wet veiled chameleon 2x day, but only a little. I watered him with pipette.
The high humidity is not good for the veiled chameleons. This is the difference between veiled chameleon and a panther chameleon.
A veiled chameleon characteristic of aggressive behavior. Unfortunately, in most cases, this will not change vislekedés. The bite is strong, painful but can be survived. The male aggressive than females. This should be accepted.
A veiled chameleon characteristic of aggressive behavior. Unfortunately, in most cases, this will not change vislekedés. The bite is strong, painful but can be survived. The male aggressive than females. This should be accepted.

what can i do about the skin not coming off?
In my opinion you just gotta do it. If you are afraid of getting bit use leather gardening gloves and hold him. You can't avoid everything. If you own pets, especially nonconventional pets you are going to get bit eventually and you gotta be prepared.
In my opinion you just gotta do it. If you are afraid of getting bit use leather gardening gloves and hold him. You can't avoid everything. If you own pets, especially nonconventional pets you are going to get bit eventually and you gotta be prepared.

So you reconmend just getting hold
Of him and rub the skin off?
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