I Give Up


New Member
I know im not getting a Chameleon for a while but Im to the point of giving up. I cannot find a Jackson's Chameleon anywhere in Canada. Im now thinking of getting a Veiled instead because Panthers are too much and I cant find a Jackson's anywhere. Jackson's are my favorite Chameleons but it is nearly imposible to find one. Im realy mad because they are hard to find in Canada and the ones that you do find are wild caught. I still havent found a Jackson's and Ive been looking on Google for like 2 months. They are nowhere. I wish US could ship to Canada with Chameleons that would be awesome. Im sorry if im posting alot about getting my Jackson's because I was really exited but now im really bumed.
I am sorry you cannot find the Chameleon you want. When I went searching for a Chameleon I originally wanted a Nosy Be Cham but I didn't have any reptile experience so spending $300 and up for just the Chameleon itself was just plain not a smart move since these guys are so hard to raise and keep healthy so I went for a Veil and I still long for a Nosy Panther but right now I am still learning and I will stick to the inexpensive Chams for now and hopefully in the future I will own a Panther.
I guess thats the same for me. Ill get a Veiled then if I like him, Ill keep looking and hopefully find one, mabye at a Reptile Show.
Well, at least keep an eye out for reptile expos if you cant find anything in stores or online. Lots of amateur breeders there, last one I went to around Toronto had plenty of pretty little Jacksons, and there you can possibly get a nice price too.

a quick googling show'd me this: http://wcre.ca/ (i have no idea how close you are to reddeer but clearly youve got some expos around alberta?)
When I got into corn snakes, I wanted a charcoal as my first (a morph with no red coloring and very little yellow coloring). I settled for a normal instead (wild type morph). While I absolutely love her, I'm kinda mad I got impatient instead of waiting for what I wanted.

I would keep looking until at least the end of summer before settling on something other than the Jacksons you want.
Originally I wanted two jacksons, but I couldn't resist the colors and size of the Panther. I sold my PS3 and a few other things to acquire the funds. Don't give up! Go big or go home.
Just keep trying to find one eventually you succeed.. I'm he on Vac on Hawaiian lands and it cool to see them in the wild.. Good luck..;)
Thanx for the red deer thing. That might have just saved my life! LOL. I just convinced my dad to let us go and then mabye I can get one. Yes! Oh yeah! I am so exited now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CB Jacksons are pretty rare around here... Anything not panther or veiled is rare as a CB. Just a word of caution about the show, most shows say no WC allowed but dont really enforce that rule, around here anyway. So be picky and ask alot of questions while shopping. The Red Deer show looks like it will be HUGE! Good luck on your hunt. Cheers!
I purchased 2 (male and female) wc mt meru jacksons at the toronto show last weekend. I purchased from Harry at Chroma Chameleons. There was one male left when i left. I am not sure if he sold it yet or wether he would even be willing to ship it or if you even wan to pay shipping for one...but i thought i'd mention it anyways.
been looking for a yr myself...

i ve hit every reptile show in alberta for a year now,,no jacksons, except a 5 yr old that looked like it was beat by a a stick,,,if anyone has any friends that r breeding, please get back to me,,i can even trade tortouses for one. tortous mike
Go through the classifieds on here. I saw a few chams for sale in Canada and one was a Jackson. I just clicked on Forums and scrolled down to Classifieds and then to Chameleon sales in Canada
Best of luck! Jacksons are awesome :)
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