How to get him out of the cage peacefully?

so i would like to do a full deep clean and i feel bad just plucking him out cuz he never wants to climb on to my hand when offer (i wash my hands with a non scented soap before i try to pick him up) and i don't want to just pluck him out and freak him out even more. Leonard is not really a people person at first....he's fine after a few mins than gets upset after 20 mins and wants back in his cage. but there has to be a easier way so i can clean him cage out.

please help:confused:
Put a worm on your hand, set a plant just inside/ outside your cage with the door open, I tried using a stick but that didn't work too well. Does he get all pissy when you reach into the cage?
sometimes he does, sometimes he doesn't. he does around three and later in the day but he is normally fine in the mornings. the seller i got him from was kinda rough he would just pull him out without even thinking about if it would hurt him or upset him. we got him at a trade show.
Try getting a stick and putting it in between his legs then lift up lightly until it kind of nudges him onto it then he might get the idea of crawling onto it and going out of the cage. You can try it with your fingers too. I usually do this when it comes to my Chameleons, but I just use food for my female and she comes running onto my arm to eat. Good Luck!
Under no times should you pluck. It can damage their feet and claws. Use a stick or gently scoot your fingers under him, try food, but never pluck.
I find it works well to 'tease them' out.... they want to attack/eat your hand... but they are scared of it as well. so if you can, put your hand behind him and make him want to go away from your hand. put your other hand in front of him... and as he watches your other hand, he'll forget your hand is right in front of him and walk out onto it. Once he is on your hand, just pull him out of the cage. Most of the time, the change in scenery will put them in a 'oh no, im not in my home I better be less aggressive'.
i like the stick/finger and the hand trickery and i have food and you don't, i will have to try it when i get him out. he is asleep right now so can't try.
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