how long?


New Member
it's about ~100F with a slight breeze outside right now. how long can I leave my little guy (~5 month old amilobe) out in the sun if I spray him every 10min or so?
Hey Mons00n,
does he have shade, or a spot a little cooler to get to?
otherwise, I would leave him for 10, bring him in, then take him out again. We all know the sun is so good for them, but you have to balance the sun with the heat!
imo :p
tue tree provides a decent amount of shade, not sure of it's enough though. he's drinking a lot though so I assume it's pretty hot for him
hot like gapping hot? or " I gotta move to the shade/misting" hot

I am sure you are watching him, keep him wet, but I wouldn't let him stay out for too long, you wouldn't want him to overheat
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