How do you prepare it?


New Member
I just bought a ficus and i'm wondering how do you prepare it to go in a cage so that its clean of everything that could hurt the chameleon.
you are going to want to clean/scrub all leaves and stems with warm soapy water and rinse thoroughly,. then repot it woth organic potting flush the soil a few times make sure you rinse completly..if you have a youngin' i would reccomend layering the top of the soil with large river rocks( i get mine in the gardening section at home depot)
Step 1: Take a clean bucket and fill it with a squirt of anti-bacterial soap and water. Create a soapy solution. Invert the plant "head down" into the water. Vigorously swish the plant around so that all the leaves and stem are covered in bubbles. Let the plant sit for approximately 5 minutes.

Step 2: Rinse the plant thoroughly so that any soap solution is removed.

Step 3: The potting soil the plant originally comes in may contain time released fertilizers and soil additives that could be detrimental to your animal if ingested. We recommend re-potting the plant first, before your chameleon's introduction. We use Supersoil which can be purchased at most local garden centers. We consider this simple process to be vital in setting up your chameleon's new home.

Thats From Liddy and Ed
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