How can I get my Chameleon to eat more than just crickets?


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I have a female panther chameleon, who has been in my care for four months. I have tried many different feeders, including super worms and wax worms, but she will only eat crickets and a wax worm if she feels like it. Is there any way for me to get her to eat other things?
When she's is adult don't offer anything but whatever you want her to eat. Mona went 5-6 days rejecting all food before caving and eating roaches. Now she will eat anything that moves.
Thank you for the input! My mom does not allow the roaches, but I am trying to get her to eat a worm every once in a while and also moths.
Thank you for the input! My mom does not allow the roaches, but I am trying to get her to eat a worm every once in a while and also moths.

Point to her my thread about The Superior Feeder -- Crickets ESCAPE and stink to high hell. not to mention their noisy buggers (see what I did there?)

Roaches don't smell, don't escape, make zero noise.
I will try to get my mom to cave to the roaches. She barely allowed the wax worms, and refuses to let horn worms in the house 'bEcAuSe ThEy BiTe'. (Actual mom quote)
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