

New Member
Hi! I'm new to this forum and I know it is customary to introduce oneself before posting. I currently have a juvenile male bearded dragon named Kimball, a female chocolate lab named Dakota, a mixed breed dog named Damnit Dog, a fat guinea pig named Wilbur and a betta fish named Rusty. I am looking into purchasing a veiled chameleon in about a month so I am doing my research before hand.


I am going to be asking lots of questions about husbandry.
Welcome to the forum, Kristi! You will find lots of knowledgable and friendly people here to answer your questions!

Welcome, There is no dumb question, so ask away. Everyone here is really friendly. I got my veiled at the beginnig of June. These guys have really helped me out. Chams are wonderfull and fasinating. Just make sure you get all your ducks in a row before you get it.


Its very good that you are doing your research before buying :D
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