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how cute is that little guy.... what did you name him? and welcome too.....also curious as to what state your located in?
Congrats! You've got a cutie there! :D Do you have any names lined up?

Yeah, his name is Simone. You can't tell in the picture, but I made sure that he had spurs on the back of his hind feet. Didn't want my fiance's first cham to be female.

Thank you for the compliment though! He is adorable!
Yeah, his name is Simone. You can't tell in the picture, but I made sure that he had spurs on the back of his hind feet. Didn't want my fiance's first cham to be female.

Thank you for the compliment though! He is adorable!
Welcome, Simone! Look forward to watching him grow up! It's such a great journey. Congrats again!

So the first day I brought him home I noticed him gasping with a slight wheeze, and as I woke up this morning... I started to notice him do it significantly more often than he has been, with even more wheezing. I've been hoping he wouldn't show signs of a URI... but life can be rather cruel. Today I called petco... the destroyer of pets everywhere... since that is where we purchased him from and they said we had two options:

1) Send him away to some vet I don't know about and let the store that caused said infection to handle the treatment...

2) Or exchange him.

If I was in NY? I would have just bit the bullet and brought him to the vet myself. I don't like the idea of someone else going and doing the treatment for me... but sometimes you don't get to have it the way you want. So as of current, I decided to create my very own third option...

3) Pick up the other male they had in the store, take care of him and wait for Simone to come back from Petco's "vet".

I just hope to see him come back in good standings... it's never comforting to know he is with someone else, even after such a short period of time.

The wife is devastated since it's her first cham...
I'm so sorry. I hope everything turns out alright. I have my own problems with Petco. I won't get into it, but let's just say that Petco and sick chameleons (particularly RI) are not strangers. Again, tell Simone to get better soon!
I'm so sorry. I hope everything turns out alright. I have my own problems with Petco. I won't get into it, but let's just say that Petco and sick chameleons (particularly RI) are not strangers. Again, tell Simone to get better soon!

Good news is he was at least getting good supplementation while he was with us. New guy looks like he can benefit from a little bit of TLC as well. I'll be getting pics of him up soon, decided since we named one Simone, we'd name the other Kamina...

This one doesn't get aggressive at all... which worries me. lol
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