He's staring at my ficus!!!


New Member
I've had this almost 4 foot ficus in my living room for years. We've had our cham for a month. I have it placed my his enclosure to help obscure the traffic that does pass by him, and until yesterday had gone unnoticed. He has been hanging on the door of his enclosure staring at the ficus. When I open the door he usually runs away from me, but the last couple of days, he all but runs out!!! He is currently on medication for a respiratory infection, and I'm afraid of him becoming stressed, but he WANTS that ficus!! Would it be ok to let him in the tree for a while?? What is an acceptable amount of time? The ambient temp in the house is 70, not his basking temp:). I was thinking of opening the enclosure door and pushing the tree in the doorway so he could climb on and off at will?? Any suggestions would be helpful.
Thanks jan. This is our first cham!! I've had other reps, but not tree dwelling. Up until now, he's had no interest in getting out!! It's cold here most of the year, so I'm jealous of all of you with outdoor enclosures!!! It'll be the middle of june or so before it's warm enough here for outdoor excursions!!!
Make sure it's not too dirty (I'm not saying you're a dirty person, but dust can accumulate in the oddest of places quickly. :D) and let him enjoy the free time.
Thanks jan. This is our first cham!! I've had other reps, but not tree dwelling. Up until now, he's had no interest in getting out!! It's cold here most of the year, so I'm jealous of all of you with outdoor enclosures!!! It'll be the middle of june or so before it's warm enough here for outdoor excursions!!!

You're welcome. If you'd like to see a few of my trees with my guys in them; check out post 26 & 61 of the link above. I have turned my house, well into a jungle for my guys.
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Let the chams go free. :D As long as you don't have other animals that may hassle them. The Chams are just so much happier free range if you can accommodate it.
My youngest loves being out of his cage and I let him free range a few hours in the afternoon in his fiscus...he does love it.

Just one thing to be aware of....get him back in his cage well before he normally settles in for the night. If I leave it too long he will find a nice place that he wants to sleep and will put on a right royal hissy fit about going back to his enclosure. If have no problems though if its earlier. I would leave him out but the times I have done that he has disappeared in the morning and been very hard to find :)
Luckykarma brought up a good point.

If there are mirrors or other animals within the vicinity of the plant, it could cause some issues. Reflections, fish, things that look like snakes, could all cause your chameleon to get stressed out. Make sure that there isn't anything you think looks like a snake, animal, or is shiny enough to cause a reflection etc. If you're unsure what your chameleon can get stressed from, posting a picture of the area your plant is in is a good idea. :)
Mine loves coming out of his enclosure! Some times he's happy to go back in on his own, but other times, it can be a real pain! I normally have to lure him in with a waxy in his enclosure! Otherwise, it can be a little tricky to not stress him out too much! I would leave him on the tree over night, but the temps where it is would drop too much, so I have to move him back into his enclosure!
Thanks everyone for the replies!! Much appreciated!! I will post some pics of the area of my ficus, unfortunately it will be later tonite or tomorrow. Leaving soon for my son's play at school!! Be back later!!
Well, didn't get pics tonite. Will do in the am. But looking around, there are pic frames and my crix tank in the vicinity that will have to be moved due to glare and reflection. I'll make appropriate changes/moves tomorrow and post pics. I also have a fish tank on the opposite side of the room, approx 14 feet away. Is that far enough away or will that be a prob?
I've always free ranged. Its going on 7 years. Over 10 Chams or 73 if you count the clutch we had for a while. I only mention this because in that time the Chams have been exposed to just about everything.

I don't know anything about looking like snakes. I would only be worried if you didn't have a top on the tank. My guys walk by mirrors, stare out windows, walk around the vacuum cleaner if we're running it. Walk under the exercise bike while we're on it. They're not dumb. What I found and this is only my opinion - is when they're free range they're more relaxed. They're not guarding their territory so they don't get upset if you take them off the tree like some do when you try to get them out of a cage. They just coexist with us.

Its true if it gets to their bedtime they'll crash where ever they are. If you're gentle you can pick them up but be aware they are incredibly groggy. So when you put them back in their cage or tree or where ever they're going to go to sleep exactly where you put them. I don't know how these guys don't get eaten when they sleep in the wild.
I say let him tree it up!:) All my guys love to free range. I have moved out of the house and live in a tent in the back yard now. I just open the front door and throw in some crickets, and close the door!:D

Jann, I so envy you and your screen porch.....:mad: I miss mine!!!:(:(;)

I say let him tree it up!:) All my guys love to free range. I have moved out of the house and live in a tent in the back yard now. I just open the front door and throw in some crickets, and close the door!:D

Jann, I so envy you and your screen porch.....:mad: I miss mine!!!:(:(;)


No screened porch's in CA?
No screened porch's in CA?

No need I guess... We don't have man sized palmetto bugs, house geckos, or any other annoying flying buggers here. But you know how great it is to be able to free range under the screen porch, its like a 20'x15x12' screen cage!:)

I say let him tree it up!:) All my guys love to free range. I have moved out of the house and live in a tent in the back yard now. I just open the front door and throw in some crickets, and close the door!:D

That's hilarious!:D If we get one more Cham that's how I feel. We walk around with flash lights at night in their rooms so we don't wake them up. Its annoying.
Thanx guys!!! I'll let him tree it up tomorrow!!! The fish tank is completely covered, so no prob there. It'll be nice to have him out for a visit. Like I said, he has had no interest in coming out, hates being handled and now is sprinting for the door!! I'd like to let him out! I've had to handle him more for is antibiotic injections, which he doesn't care for, go figure. But I put my hand in and let him come to me before I GENTLY restrain him for the injection, which is quick. He is due for another one in the am so I'll give him some tree time after, a little treat:D
Ok here's the deal. He'll be soooooo happy chances are he'll be a good little boy for a few days and even up to a week not leaving the tree. Then its all over. He'll be exploring everywhere. But, and we look for ours several times a day if we're going out and want to make sure they're in their trees -- just look UP and you'll find them. They only hit the floor to get somewhere else that has height.


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Don't worry, I've thought of that!!! I can see the tree from almost everywhere on this end of the house cuz he'll need supervision for an undetermined amount of time. I have a little one who gets very excited over him and dogs who'll have to get used to him out. For now they know he is here and don't pay him any attention, but as you all know that can change. So, it'll be VERY close supervision for awhile, but it's worth it.:)
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