Help!! :(


New Member
Hello my name is Cheyanne and I am a new member and a proud new cham owner! My boyfriend bought me a cham for Christmas because I've really been wanting one for awhile. We have cared for pretty advanced pets before (we own and operate a saltwater fishtank business from our home) so a cham was a new challenge for us.
  • Your Chameleon - I have a female veiled Chameleon and I've only had her for 4 days. I am not 100% on her age I assume she is pretty young... my boyfriend ordered two online for me for christmas (a male and a female) and sadly the male passed the first night
  • Handling - The first time I held her was this morning and it was only to try and get her to eat
  • Feeding - I bought crickets and meal worms to feed her. I tried putting two crickets and a meal worm in her cage the second day (to allow her the first day to acclimate) and she never ate them. I read you should only feed them every other day so I left her alone the third day and tried to feed her again today (still nothing). I also bought cricket food for gut-loading and I dust the crickets with calcium before feeding her.
  • Supplements - I don't know the brand of calcium off the top of my head but I can check later and get back to you.
  • Watering - I have a "little dripper" for watering and I mist three times a day- morning, midday, and evening. (She hates all of it)
  • Fecal Description - I have seen two fecal in her cage- both dark and stringy? I assume normal from what I've seen. No parasite tests ran as far as I know.
  • History - Bought online and shipped overnight to our house

Cage Info:
  • Cage Type - The reptibreeze chameleon cage from petco. 1ft by 1 ft by 3ft roughly.
  • Lighting - I'm using the lights that came with the cage and I have them on a timer so they turn on at 7:30 am and turn off at 9pm
  • Temperature - the top of her cage is around 82 I have a thermometer the cage came with to test it and I made three levels of basking for her.
  • Humidity - I haven't tested it nor do I know how.. my boyfriend set-up the cage and he said he made sure everything going was perfect for her. (He researched for weeks before purchasing)
  • Plants - Only fake plants from Petco
  • Placement - Her cage is in the corner of our dining room pretty low traffic. I'm usually the only one there. No vents or fans nearby. The cage is sitting on an old fishtank stand we repurchased to hold her cage.
  • Location - Wenatchee Wa

Current Problem - my Cham hasn't eaten or drank since I got her. She has just started staying at the bottom of her cage and not even going up to the light or any basking spots. She won't move much anymore and seems pretty weak. Her eyes are starting to sink and Im worried she is going to die soon too :(


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I was just at ur other thread,and ur baby does need lots hydration,she is not drinking enough by looking on her eyes(sunken)
my boyfriend ordered two online for me for christmas (a male and a female) and sadly the male passed the first night
Was the male in the same cage with her prior to his death(Im assuming he is in there with her with one cage showing on the pic )
And that is not a veiled female
ok first of all that s not a vield chameleon looks like a female jacksons chameleon who most likely will not make it..and you got them like this 4 days ago who is the company your boyfriend purchased from that sold you these as vields? Any picture of the dead male or first pics when u got him.lets start with that and dig deeper..that female looks severly dehydrated possible other issues to include something protruding.. her vent/butt. can post a closer pic ture of her vent where soemthing is sticking out..or is it not like that now? When chams get this bad they are almost unrecoverable and not shoul;d have been sold in this condition of health period.
Contact seller there's something not right with this, male dies next day and female looks like this...
These chameleon should not be in this condition with only 4days in ur place,that eyes on her look like a two weeks dehydrated situation.
ok first of all that s not a vield chameleon looks like a female jacksons chameleon who most likely will not make it..and you got them like this 4 days ago who is the company your boyfriend purchased from that sold you these as vields? Any picture of the dead male or first pics when u got him.lets start with that and dig deeper..that female looks severly dehydrated possible other issues to include something protruding.. her vent/butt. can post a closer pic ture of her vent where soemthing is sticking out..or is it not like that now? When chams get this bad they are almost unrecoverable and not shoul;d have been sold in this condition of health period.
He ordered them from undergroundreptiles or something similar to that. Here is a picture of them the first day. They were together in the cage the first day but like I said the male passed and I read they do do better solo. I was told the male was a Jackson's and the female was veiled.. but it makes more sense that they were the same species (as that was what I wanted)


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you need to have your boyfriend get a refund because they are wrong to sell you a guranteed fail and clearly dont give a crap about the animals or customers..ami wrong?..this is the chameleon nightmare before christmas..i would be blowing up phones..emails and all that
These chameleon should not be in this condition with only 4days in ur place,that eyes on her look like a two weeks dehydrated situation.
I've tried everything to get her to drink she did drink a little from
you need to have your boyfriend get a refund because they are wrong to sell you a guranteed fail and clearly dont give a crap about the animals or customers..ami wrong?..this is the chameleon nightmare before christmas..i would be blowing up phones..emails and all that
We've emailed them and called them-no refunds but are willing to send another male.. I don't think want to get another from the same company of they are all going to arrive in this condition and die on me :( all I want is a cham buddy of my own
Damn right Kingkush,its like u walk in a star bucks ordering a coffee n they serve u a flat Coca Cola.
I would call them and questions the order along with a death male n dying female for sure.
Where are you located there might be a like rescue place or someone here to help you nearby..i dont think your going to be qualified to save her not absolutely not return that female to them she is in no condition for travel.
We've emailed them and called them-no refunds but are willing to send another male.. I don't think want to get another from the same company of they are all going to arrive in this condition and die on me :( all I want is a cham buddy of my own
Sorry for my grammar/spelling in this post. Getting a little worked up. My fingers are going faster than my phone screen will type
Where are you located there might be a like rescue place or someone here to help you nearby..i dont think your going to be qualified to save her not absolutely not return that female to them she is in no condition for travel.
We are located in Wenatchee. We have a Petco nearby but I haven't looked into any rescues close to us.
I've tried everything to get her to drink she did drink a little from

We've emailed them and called them-no refunds but are willing to send another male.. I don't think want to get another from the same company of they are all going to arrive in this condition and die on me :( all I want is a cham buddy of my own
At this moment,judging by her looks,with the yellow pigment color n poop hanging out of her butt,she is for sure wont drink from u and this is not ur fault,call them back first thing in the morning n tell them like it is to get ur refund n shop somewhere will treat u guys right.
Also!!! When she arrived she was shedding... I'm not sure if that changes anything?
no that doesnt mean anything..this is a lose lose situation for all and for what bad care at the integrity..your boyfriend im sure feels are heartbroken..the animals were shipped sick..its abuse to them pure and simple..and now they are abusing laying it in your lap..
Sorry for my grammar/spelling in this post. Getting a little worked up. My fingers are going faster than my phone screen will type
Ur grammar is better than mine ,dont even worry about it,right now u will have to get her to drink more as a priority
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