Help with my New Cham


New Member
I live in Newfoundland, Canada which is why i have a glass tank. I have a veiled chameleon maybe around 4 months old. (Maybe someone could help me out on figuring out the age) I just got this little guy a few hours ago from a local pet store. I've talked to the owner about chams and it sounded like he really knows his stuff.

But when i got the wee cham he seemed really skinny to me and it made me wonder how often they fed him. The guy working said they feed him 7-8 crickets in a row but didn't know how often a week they fed em. Which worries me. I wanted some input on this and how would be a good way to get him on the right track to plumpness.

Also I'm thinking 'he' is actually a 'she' even though the people at the store swore that it was a male. I'd like some input on that aswell.


If its a male it will have a spur on his back feet as like "heel"

How big is he/she?


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I live in Newfoundland, Canada which is why i have a glass tank. I have a veiled chameleon maybe around 4 months old. (Maybe someone could help me out on figuring out the age) I just got this little guy a few hours ago from a local pet store. I've talked to the owner about chams and it sounded like he really knows his stuff.

But when i got the wee cham he seemed really skinny to me and it made me wonder how often they fed him. The guy working said they feed him 7-8 crickets in a row but didn't know how often a week they fed em. Which worries me. I wanted some input on this and how would be a good way to get him on the right track to plumpness.

Also I'm thinking 'he' is actually a 'she' even though the people at the store swore that it was a male. I'd like some input on that aswell.



Fast growing juveniles don't really look plump. Think about a gangly teenager. Judging the weight on a young cham isn't that easy, but here's what I do...look at the base of his tail and imagine the shape of the cross section. It should be oval from top to bottom. If his is completely round, he's too fat. If you can see the tendons of the tail and there isn't much flesh around them he's too skinny. Even if he wasn't fed perfectly at the store he's young enough that he'll probably make it up once he's on a good gutloaded properly supplemented diet. Does that help?
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Here's some links to the pictures, let me know if these don't work.

And yes, the non-existent 'heel spur' is what's making me think its a female and I'm very opposed to having one. The store had two chams, one with spurs and one without. I obviously ended up with the one without. And yet when i pointed this out they still kept insisting it was indeed a male.

When it comes to his/her size I'd say its about 4 inches (not including the tail)

I'm also gutloading with carrots, peppers and orange. With additional supplementation when it's feeding time. The only thing I'm worried about now is getting down a decent suppliment schedule. Let me know if i have this right; calcium w/ D3 twice a month, calcium w/out D3 every day and multivitamin twice a week? I'm not sure if that sounds right.

Thanks guys, for responding so quickly.
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